Thursday, August 19, 2021

Kick-Ass Kate

Right, OK, so fine. I might have some untapped anger issues I’m avoiding this week. You know, it’s still a man’s world and a pandemic and all. But, every now and then, it’s not at the movies. I took great pleasure in the trailer for the new Netflix film “Kate,” which looks a bit like a John Wick-ish revenge thriller but with a female assassin and her hot neon pink muscle car. Plus, there’s a spunky female sidekick. So, I mean, it’s gotta ace Bechdel, right? And I thought “Atomic Blonde” was pretty fantastic (well, except for the Dead Lesbian Syndrome).

But what I really love is seeing Mary Elizabeth Winstead tap her inner rage. We saw her do it to more comedic, but still badass effect in “Bird of Prey” (which, again, I loved – go watch it again!). But here, damn, does she go HAM. And I can’t wait. So Hollywood types take note, female rage in an untapped well of ideas. Ass-kicking, rage-filled assassins? Sure. But have you every considered the quiet rage of a suburban housewife with a husband who calls watching his own children “babysitting” instead of “parenting?” Yeah, endless possibilities for cinematic female rage await. I’ll bring the popcorn and the slow, continuous seething anger.


  1. Carmen San Diego7:10 AM

    So much rage

  2. Love it - can't wait! Thanks for the heads up. :D

  3. I was just thinking where has Mary Elisabeth Winstead been for the last couple of years. She's one of my favorite actors, I loved her in Fargo, and everything I've seen her in, she is excellent in and I can't take my eyes off of her. She always portrays her characters as damaged, highly interesting, smart and sexy, which is rare combination.
