Wednesday, October 07, 2020

We Are Also The Weirdos

Lesbians, queer and assorted other weirdos, did you know they made a sequel to “The Craft?” To be fair, ages ago they were talking about it. But I never realized they actually did it. But then, like some dark magic, it’s here. And, to be honest, I still do not know exactly how I feel about it. As any gay gal of a certain age can attest, the original movie may figure into more than a few of our roots. And it spawned one of the o.g. subtext femslashes.

The good news, at very least, is the new film strikes one for inclusion, because the reboot features trans actress Zoe Luna playing a trans witch. That’s kind of a big deal, and no matter how good or bad the new movies is I’m at least happy it will help a community of people who aren’t used to seeing themselves on screen feel a little less alone and a little more seen. Though, if you would like to also make us old-school lesbian fans really, really happy – how about making Robin Tunney and Fairuza Balk appear like magic for a secret reunion onscreen? I mean, what's one little spell for us?

1 comment:

  1. Carmen San Diego8:30 AM

    Not excited about this but Hmmm Fairuza Balk
