Friday, December 13, 2019

Pre-L: Less is More

Finally, we answer the age-old question, “Who killed Jenny Schecter?” And, you know, a lot of gay ladies do a lot of gay stuff. Oh, “The L Word," how we have missed your incredibly gay shenanigans.

1. When Tig Notaro figures out what Alice has been doing with her wife.

2. When the coffee definitely tastes like poopy shit.

3. When you are no Shane McCutcheon.

4. When you’re the Queen of the F-Bombs but have to pretend you aren’t for The Children.

5. When you’re worried the plant you brought to your new job is a little too Georgia O’Keeffe.

6. When your new boss reassures you it’s just Georgia O’Keeffe enough.

7. Sure fingers are fine…

…but tongues are better.

8. Straight white men discussing lesbian representation on television.

9. All these years later I still need to look up how to spell Schecter, too.

10. Remember when I had a kid brother for like a season?

11. I’m pretty sure there’s more diversity in this one scene than in some entire seasons of the original “The L Word.”

12. We pitched the reboot as a gritty lesbian buddy cop show with a grizzled veteran and a naïve rookie, but the network wouldn’t go for it.

13. Girl, same for “Sense8.” Stupid networks.

14. I still can’t believe they killed Dana either.

15. My research for playing a lesbian? Well, I played Ellen Page’s best friend in “Juno,” does that count?

16. Now I know there’s more diversity in this one scene than in some entire seasons of the original “The L Word.”

17. They’re no TiBette, but dammit I’m still rooting for them.

18. They’re no TiBette either…


  1. Carmen SanDiego8:32 AM

    “ Remember when I had a kid brother for like a season? ”. Lol
    I’m still so happy and excited to have this show back and that we as a community get together to talk about it every week
    Have a great weekend DS

  2. looking forward to ur recap and pleading with the uk to pick this series up fast we need it in the uk too enjoy the episode tonight

  3. Anonymous6:37 PM

    yes, nice diversity. its not season 1 but its not horrible.
