Thursday, December 12, 2019

Gender Fuck Thursday: JLo Edition

I don’t know what otherworldly magics/incredible genes/hard work Jennifer Lopez is employing, but damn is it workings. I mean, dayuuuuum. She hosted “Saturday Night Live” over the weekend and legit the first three sketches were all about how attractive she is. I am in no way kidding. About her attractiveness or the redundancy of the sketches. But then, she did come out to do her opening monologue in this tuxedo.

Which then turned into some high kicks with The Rockettes.

Which then turned into her wearing That Green Dress.

So, then, I guess I can’t blame the SNL writers for being redundant. JLo is just that damn hot.

p.s. I finally saw “Hustlers” and she is very, very good in this movie. And, no, I’m not just talking about that dance scene.


  1. Anonymous9:36 AM

    Luv me some JLo......she has earned her successes by being savvy & lots of hard work.
    50yrs old looks good on her. So glad she is upfront about her age.
    Just wish that train wreck of a movie Gigli with her lesbian character Ricki, was watchable.
    I fast forward for watching her scenes only.
    U go Girl!

  2. Carmen SanDiego1:30 PM

    Wowza! *wolf whistle *
    And that’s for both outfits
