Wednesday, July 10, 2019

Team Gay Angel

This trailer came out right when I started my vacation, because of course it did. And now that I’ve had some time to mull it over, I’ve decided I’m firmly on Team Gay Angel a.k.a whatever Angel K-Stew is playing. Look, it’s no secret that the “Charlie’s Angels” series had more than a few lesbian fans (who, if we’re being honest were always more about Kate Jackson than Farrah Fawcett, always). And then the early 2000s movies were campy ridiculousness, which you’d better believe I saw in the theaters. And now, well, it’s back for a late 20teens revival – but this time, with Obviously Queer Apparel Angel Sabina Wilson (Kristen’s character).

Now, do we know if Sabina is gay in the film? No, no we don’t. But it would stretch incredulity to the point of absolute farce to make her straight and have K-Stew look like this all the damn time.

I mean there’s even a line in the trailer that says, “Take her to the closet and gear her up.”

Yeah, like I was saying, Team Gay Angel.


  1. I just had such a big crush on angel Kate Jackson. Will definitely watch these angels.

  2. Anonymous5:23 AM

    Oh god, me too

  3. Shasta7:13 AM

    Not to mention all the Elizabeth Banks magic! Written, directed and starring? 🙌🙌
    This movie will be so fun :)

  4. Maria Rigel1:51 PM

    When I was a little girl I wanted to grow up and become angel Kate Jackson.
