Thursday, July 11, 2019

Gender Fuck Thursday: Mulan Edition

Say hello to the OG Disney Gender Fuck Thursday Superstar, Mulan. While I’m not a Disney stan, I definitely enjoy their work (See: All Pixar movies and “Moana”). Still I’ve been a little indifferent to their recent live-actioning of all of their classic animated films. Like, we get it, Emma Watson makes a perfectly fine Belle. But other than Angelina Jolie as Malificent, they’ve felt a tad uninspired. That is, until now. The trailer for the new live-action “Mulan” looks good. Like, very good. Like, for real, it looks like a Hong Kong action epic and I am here for it. It also looks like one of the first live-action remake that doesn’t try to simply recreate the original, but reinvent it in its own way. Also, fierce chicks with swords are cool. And anytime we can get more quality Asian representation on the big screen, it’s a very good thing.


  1. Carmen SanDiego7:31 AM

    It’s my wife’s favorite so I’ll definitely be watching it at the theater
    But I’m gonna miss Mushu...

  2. Anonymous8:20 AM

    I was hyped about this! And i heard that Liu Yifei is the chinese (closetted) KStew...
