Tuesday, May 14, 2019

Swimsuit Tuesday

A swimsuit is not a tank top...or is it? Researchers are split. It covers the bodice, and typically has two straps - in a full-body suit or bikini varieties alike. Sooo, you know, technically it’s fair game. I’ve already ruled that leotards are fair game. So please enjoy Megan Rapinoe in her swimsuit/unrestrained tank top glory as the first openly gay woman in the Sports Illustrated Swimsuit Issue.

Yes, yes - I know the swimsuit issue is gross, but LGBTQ equality is striving for gross things straight people can do, achieving them, and making them cooler in the process. I mean, we already did it for marriage. (Kidding...kind of...but not about a swimsuit being a tank top.)

Anyway, my point is you could slice ham on those hip bones and do your laundry on them abs.


  1. Carmen SanDiego7:54 AM

    a Sports Illustrated swimsuit shoot with a very comfortable openly out butch soccer player in a tropical locale.
    Not something I expected to see in my lifetime, to be honest

  2. Aside from the cheesy factors of origin & marketing; She is lovely !
    Thx Dorothy.

  3. Osiris3:40 PM

    The Swimsuit edition isn't gross! Ive been buying it for 20 years. We need to be more body positive in this country. Many consumers of the magazine happen to be lesbian.

  4. Anonymous6:13 AM

    Osiris said...
    The Swimsuit edition isn't gross! Ive been buying it for 20 years. We need to be more body positive in this country. Many consumers of the magazine happen to be lesbian.

    I'm with Osiris on this. Gorgeous women, well-paid women, all kinds of women. To copy those images while disparaging their source seems rather hypocritcal.
