Wednesday, April 03, 2019

Party Like It's 1999

I realize I’ve spent a lot of time trying to pit Cate Blanchett and Gillian Anderson against each other for our gay lady affections. And, well, I now realize that was wrong. So very, very wrong. I should not have been making these women compete against one another. I should have been trying to get them (back) together. More specifically, I want to get Cate and Gillian partying together like it’s 1999 again.

Because, goodness, how these ladies enjoy each other’s company in 1999.

They enjoyed being in “The Vagina Monologue” together in 1999.

They enjoyed hanging out in black jackets and alternative lifestyle haircuts together in 1999.

And they definitely enjoyed hamming it up for the camera together in 1999.

Oh, Cate and Gill (or is it Sandy?), please bring some 1999 into our 2019. I mean, you were right near other on stage in London already and everything.


  1. Carmen SanDiego7:52 AM

    Yes ladies, party like it’s 20 years ago. Preferably without those Matrix style trench coats but, hey, you do you
    Great pairing, DS. Thanks for the trip down memory lane

  2. Anonymous3:27 PM

    I only recall them hanging out a few times, I think all are documented here. But we’ll take it! I also believe they have been to see each other’s plays when either one is on stage. I know Gillian recently saw Cate on stage in London within the last couple of months.
