Wednesday, March 13, 2019

None of Your Beeswax

Remember that slew of lesbian films I wrote about which I like to call The Carol Effect? Well, one of them, “Tell It To The Bees” has finally come out with a full trailer and not just a clip. It starts Anna Paquin as a new small town doctor and Holliday Grainger as a woman with a failing marriage and a tattle-tale son. You might also recognize the man who plays her husband as “that asshole Jay” from “Lip Service.” Don’t be gay or we’ll take your kid away stories are nothing new (cough, Carol, cough), but I hope there’s more honey than misery in this story. A lot more honey.

p.s. [SPOILER ALERT: I heard this movie changes the book’s happy ending and now I am less excited because come one, we need all of them we can get.]


  1. Oh no Dorothy , I desperately need happy endings.

  2. Anonymous6:08 AM

    What is it with lez-bee-ans and bees? Fried Green Tomatoes, anyone?

  3. Carmen SanDiego8:27 AM

    Boys always ruining everything... ugh
    And what the hell I want a happy end
