Thursday, March 14, 2019

Gender Fuck Thursday: Trailer Edition

And the movie trailers just keep on coming. You might remember me talking about “Late Night,” the new Emma Thompson, Mindy Kaling, Nisha Ganatra project about a legendary female late-night TV host trying to save her career.

Now, I don’t see anything overly gay – except for Emma’s wardrobe which is just an astonishingly fun assortment of suits and blazers. But you may recall Nisha’s feature film debut was “Chutney Popcorn” where she cleverly cast Jill Hennessy as her girlfriend. So I’m going to credit her with all the delightful Gender Fuck Thursday wardrobe choices.


  1. Carmen SanDiego6:13 AM

    Yeah that wardrobe is so not straight

  2. If that hair gets any more gay... I mean that is just very VERY gay hair.

    ...makes my hands itch. Needs finger-combing, STAT.

  3. Emma Thompson. I remember seeing her first time in Howards End in 1992. There was just something so unique in her, something so uniquely INTERESTING. And it just keeps getting better. She is a gift, and so are those suits (and you, Dorothy!)
