Monday, February 25, 2019

This Is Hilarious

Well, except for who won best picture, the Oscar show was actually pretty nice. Very nice if you think how many woman and people of color took homoe shiny naked golden men. Again,except for the whole “Green Book” is white guilt absolvement and “Bohemian Rhapsody” was directed by a sexual predator and all. But I think by far my favorite part of the night – besides how well it worked without a host – was Olivia Colman’s genuinely surprised and elated reaction to winning. I have the joint feeling of being so unabashedly thrilled for Olivia while being so very sorry for Glenn Close. But I have to think she has many shots left in her. But back to Olivia. Well, if that’s not a way to make an entire other continent fall in love with you, I don’t know what is. Long live the queen.

p.s. Do not worry, kittens, SGALGG is coming.

p.p.s. Hey, if you think writing about pop culture is high (or low) self indulgence, I wonder - why are you here on this totally free, self-proclaimed pop culture personal blog that you are under absolutely under no obligation to visit and/or read? And fin.


  1. Karen7:26 AM

    I cant stand the awards shows. A bunch of elite rich people who are completely out of touch with the working class. Glad I missed it.

  2. Carmen SanDiego8:39 AM

    Happy for her. I was rooting for Gaga but I thought Close was gonna win
    15 wins for the ladies!
    Green Book win aside it was a good ceremony, way better without Kevin Hart doing shtick

  3. Anonymous9:42 PM

    She was my pick all along. (though I thought Glenn might get some sympathy vote) She was as charming and funny in the film as she has been this entire awards season. Precious gem. I can not wait for the Crown.

  4. Anonymous10:28 AM

    I'm with Karen. Never watched any, never will.
    Even the pics make me gag. Self indulgence in it's highest (lowest) form.
