Friday, February 22, 2019

My Weekend Crush

We have an embarrassment of riches in the Democratic Party. Which, all things considered, is whole a lot better than just having a national embarrassment at the top of your ticket like the Republicans. As Democrats we have an ever-growing list of smart, qualified and charismatic candidates running for president in 2020. In particular, we have an amazing lineup of women running for the highest office in the land. And that, well, that’s pretty fucking awesome.

Kirsten Gillibrand. Kamala Harris. Elizabeth Warren. Amy Klobuchar. Four U.S. Senators. Four presidential candidates. Four intelligent women. Sure, you may have your favorites and you may be less thrilled about some of these candidates, but you can’t deny the power of seeing so many truly capable women run for president.

Sure, they all have their strengths and weaknesses, but the more qualified women vie to be Commander in Chief, the more it will demystify the thought of women as president. Then maybe, and here’s a crazy thought, these female candidates will be judged on their policies and their expertise instead of not on whether they’re smiling too much or too little or laughing too much or too little or eating chicken the wrong way or listening to the wrong music or whatever dumbass thing the political media will obsess about ad nauseam this time.

For sure, they owe a debut to Hillary. And Geraldine. And Shirley. And all of the other female politicians and suffragettes who blazed a trail so that one day not one, not two, not three, but four great female candidates all campaigning to be president in 2020 (and Tulsi Gabbard and some lady who is Oprah’s spiritual adviser, but, uh, yeah…).

So, yeah, this week my crush is on these four strong women. Any one of them would be infinitely better than the orange trash bag currently inhabiting the White House. May the best woman win. Happy weekend, all.


  1. I was talking the other day with a male friend and giving him my opinion that one of those candidates was the most likely to win the presidency for 2020. (Assuming of course that the USA is still running presidential elections on time - I know, I know, nobody would have seriously contemplated that it might not happen just a couple of years ago, and I'm not seriously saying it is at all likely, just that, the way things have been going, it's beginning to look like those things are within the realms of possibility, unthinkable as they are).

    Anyway, barring catastrophic events, my friend said that the defeat of Hillary "proved" the USA wasn't ready for a woman president yet. I said all it proved is that you get discriminated against worse for being a woman than for being black, like that black woman senator said, I forget her name. But enough is enough. I think after the defeat of Hillary all women got the message that, as so often, they will have to work twice as hard to get half the recognition. Fine. I have no doubt that women, as so often, can campaign four times harder than their male counterparts. And not to convince other women, that are mostly already convinced. It's men, that need to be talked with and told that the problem might not be that "the USA" is not ready but that you, my friend, personally, are not ready. And that needs talking about.

  2. Carmen SanDiego6:26 AM

    I’m with her. And her. And her too!
    And, Of course, I’m still with Hill.

  3. Carmen SanDiego6:28 AM

    But out of the four, I’m voting for my senator. Yes we Kam.

  4. I agree & I vote (for all the good it does, i.e. electoral college).
    Saw Tulsi Gabbard on PBS Finding Your Roots and was very impressed.
    Have to watch her growth in the future. "May we live in interesting times"
    and Karma keeps receipts.

  5. Dear Sane Americans

    Please vote.
    PLEASE vote.
    Please VOTE.

    Please do not sit on your couch again because one of these candidates (and it will be one of these ladies) is not someone you want for a neighbor. Wake up! She won't be your neighbor. Remember: this is not about you. It's about who gets to make history.

    And unless you want Donald fucking Trump to keep making the worst American history, ever, do not sit on your damn couch.


  6. After the horrors being inflicted on the peoples of the world by the criminal enterprise headed by the orange abomination squatting in the White House, it would be like heaven to have any of these women elected.
    I would love it if any of these four women became President. Yes, please VOTE!

  7. Karen5:35 PM

    I feel Elizabeth Warren is the most qualified candidate amongst this bunch she has a long track record of centric Democratic policies. Not a fan of Kamala Harris and the more socialist leaning Bernie Sanders. Ill never forgive Gillibrand for railroading Senator Franken. So I feel we should all get behind Elizabeth Wareen.

  8. Anonymous3:28 PM

    My brain and heart right now are with Warren, but Gillibrand did not railroad Franken. BTW have you heard Al's roast of Rob Reiner -- the one with the anal rape jokes? So sick of giving men a pass because it was a long time ago. That just says to young guys/boys "go ahead" we'll cover you later.
