Wednesday, November 28, 2018

I Wanna Elaine Dance With Somebody

Let’s be honest, the week after a holiday is always hard. Like, it’s only Wednesday? Seriously? So here is a collective cathartic moment of shaking-it-out/doing The Elaine Dance for you to enjoy and rejuvenate yourself with this Hump Day. Yeah, you deserve this. Let is all hang out, kittens. And don’t forget to work those thumbs.


  1. Carmen SanDiego10:29 AM

    The Elaine Dance!

  2. Shasta7:33 AM

    Yep, The Elaine is a legitimately difficult dance and you can hurt yourself! I also realized why they weren’t all doing it full out. That stuff can’t have any timing! ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ WWJLDD
