Tuesday, November 27, 2018

Cophine Wishes

Well now that Thanksgiving is over, it’s all holidays all the time from here until the New Year’s Eve. That means holiday gatherings and other assorted get togethers with friends/family/coworkers/etc. And if you’re an introvert like me, the prospect of such get gatherings fills you with occasional dread and continual longing for your comfy sweatpants. But no matter how much socializing you do or don’t plan to do over the holidays, may you at least feel good that you weren’t awkwardly turned down for a threesome by Cosima and Delphine. Though, you can’t blame a gal for trying when in the presence of Cophine. Take your shot, Amy. Take your shot.

[Hat tip to the always brilliant editing by Orphan Crack]


  1. Anonymous6:08 AM

    How about a little love for Jodie Whittaker's "Doctor Who"? She's donned a second rainbow (the first, her t-shirt) with a warm scarf for putting the universe to rights.


  2. Carmen SanDiego7:28 AM

    Hey, can’t blame her for trying
