Thursday, October 18, 2018

Turkey Basting Time

I have no idea whether this movie will be any good. But it’s got lesbians and a turkey, so you know I’m in. This feels a little like “What’s Cooking?” crossed with “Home for the Holidays.” Yes, I’m a tad worried about the straight male friend. But then, I’m always a tad worried about the straight male friend – and, you know, with reason.


  1. OFF TOPIC, but!

    The Vikings have got all the best TV at the moment (and some seriously hot ladies). This needs your attention, DS:

    At least there's YouTube, or living in S'Africa would seem more like being *stuck* here.

  2. Carmen SanDiego6:54 AM

    This looks good. I will trust it cause lesbians are involved in the production. Please please please don’t disappoint me with the straight friend.

  3. Anonymous7:16 AM

    Yeah please do not Chasing Amy this movie!
