Thursday, August 23, 2018

Gender Fuck Thursday: Lady In Black Edition

Hey, remember when I wanted Tessa Thompson to join the Terminator series? Well, apparently she’s too busy being in the “Men In Black” reboot. Though, may I suggest a name change to Badasses In Black?

Anyway the very first set pictures of Tessa and her co-star (some dude named Chris Hemsworth, you know, if you’re interested in that sort of thing).Besides being a “Thor: Ragnarok” reunion, it’s also a “This is How You Wear a Suit and Tie” tutorial.

Oh, and did I mention Emma Thompson is coming back for this movie as Agent O, the Men Badasses In Black chief. Look, if I knew a career in a secret government organization would get me 1) Emma Thompson as my boss, 2) Tessa Thompson as my co-worker, and 3) A bitching black suit and tie, I would have signed up ages ago.


  1. Anonymous4:59 AM

    Enough with reboots Hollywood! So many great scripts that should be picked up from independent producers. Shameful that American cinema caters to teenage boys.

  2. Carmen SanDiego7:03 AM

    That’s a lot of Thompsons! And I love the suits but, yeah, enough with the reboots

  3. Lots of eye candy for everyone. Soooooo is Tessa the Will Smith role?
