Friday, June 08, 2018

My Weekend Crush

One of the very best things about “Oceans Eight” – besides being a movie featuring eight talented and diverse actresses pulling off the kind of heist caper previously relegated to mainly menfolks - is the parade of suits Cate Blanchett has worn leading up to its release. I mean, the woman has suit range.

Oh, did I mention that last suit has RAINBOW STRIPES down the legs? Because it does, it really does.

You know Sandy approves of her suit game, you just know.

(and, of course, you know Sarah Paulson approves, or at very least has lovingly ribbed Cate about her suit game.)

The other best thing about “Oceans Eight” is how Cate’s co-stars love to stare lovingly at her impeccable visage. I mean, they’re no Kristen Stewart in the smitten department, but close.

Happy “Ocean’s Eight” premiere weekend, all.


  1. Carmen SanDiego9:39 AM

    I love Cate’s suits. I’m Savin this post for next time I need to go shopping for dressier clothes
    Have a great weekend DS

  2. I will just scroll through this many times :) Thank you and have a happy weekend Dorothy.

  3. Anonymous10:12 AM

    Nothing at all honoring the talented Kate Spade ?

  4. Aretha Jones6:38 AM

    And this!
