Friday, June 29, 2018

My Weekend Crush

Rarely has the phrase, “What a dame,” been leveled with such accuracy as at Emma Thompson. Now, my love for Emma is well documented. I am well-versed in all of her nuanced awesomeness – from demanding women always eat dessert to her insistence she never fiddle with her face to her apology for initially signing that petition, to her love of big words, to her hate of Trump, to her steadfast support of women everywhere and all-around delightfulness in general. And now, all of that amazing is a full dame. Like, capital D, comes from the queen, Dame. And, it certainly couldn’t have happened to a nicer dame. Happy weekend, all.

p.s. Say it with me, Dame Emma Freakin’ Thompson.


  1. Hear, Hear! Jolly Good.

  2. Carmen SanDiego12:40 AM

    I’ll only refer to her as Dame Emma now
    Have a great weekend DS

  3. Anonymous12:02 PM

    Not to mention how her son came into her life:

    This woman is awesome...

  4. Anonymous1:58 PM

    Had no idea she was gay. Very pleased thanks for sharing !

  5. Anonymous9:13 PM

    Anon, she’s not gay ( I wish she were!), she’s just a really awesome lady:)
