Monday, July 03, 2017

The Sexism Is Out There

Sometimes something will seem so inconceivably backwards that you have to stop and say, “Really?!?” But then, what can be deemed inconceivable and inappropriate, unacceptable and unpresidential has changed so much in the past year it has raised the “Really?!?” bar to unconscionable, untenable levels. Still, it certainly stung to hear “The X-Files” had hired yet another all-male writers room for its upcoming 11th season. Last year during its revival 10th season, all of the episodes were written by men except for the finale which is credited to show creator Chris Carter with acknowledgements to longtime series science consultant Anne Simon and fellow scientist Margaret Fearon.

But according to reports, the new season is all dudes – many of them returning or promoted from last season. Dudes, dudes, dudes, duuuuuudes. So, yeah, that’s cool. And by cool I mean seriously, guys? Look, last season was bad. Like, seriously bad. So to have the same dudes who did that come back and do this? Let’s just say I do not have high hopes.

And, looks like series star Gillian Anderson is none to pleased either. And she throws in the added kicker that only two of the show’s 207 episodes – over the course of its entire 10-year run – were directed by women. Yeah, I think that deserves a “Really?!?” and a “WHAT THE EVERLOVING FUCK?!?”

And the first one of those two women was Gillian Anderson herself – and that wasn’t until Season 7. So, for those keeping score at home, that is 205 episodes of TV directed by dudes and two, TWO, by women. And that is on top of the reported initial pay disparity between Gillian and David for the reboot. Yeah, guess who was offered less. Hint, it was not the dude. Damn, “The X-Files,” if it were not for Gillian it would be so easy to quit you. So easy.

The truth is out there, and it’s sexist as fuck.

1 comment:

  1. Carmen SanDiego6:19 AM

    All dudes... I bet they're mostly straight and white too... I quit it and I used to love this show. I didn't even bother with watching last year after hearing that it was so bad. There's just so much time to go around for TV and I'm not going to waste it with mediocre stuff.
    I'll get my Gillian fix from American Gods, thank you so much
