Tuesday, February 21, 2017

The Good Recap

Hey, hey, hey. Guess what? No, sorry, everything since November hasn’t been a terrible, horrible, no good, very bad dream. But! Here is something I hope you will find not so terrible and maybe even good. I’m recapping again. Yes, indeedy.

The kind folks at Autostraddle are having me write recaps for the new CBS All Access show “The Good Fight” (a spinoff of “The Good Wife). So far the show is essentially TGW but without Carol Hathaway, Big or BAMF Kalinda. Instead it has Ygritte, more POC and lesbians. So, not a terrible trade in my book. The show premiered on Sunday and the first recap is up now at Autostraddle. If you’d be so kind, I’d love you to pop on over and have a look right here.

More not horrible, very exciting news – I’ll also be recapping “The Handmaid’s Tale” for them when it debuts on Hulu in April.

This is all very exciting and I’m thrilled to become part of this smart, vibrant and inclusive community.


  1. Welcome back Dorothy! I'm so so happy that you will be recapping this show. I think you are the best recapper ever! I don't have an Autostraddle account so I can't comment there.
    Once again, lovely to have you back.

  2. Carmen SanDiego8:01 AM

    We are so honored and grateful to h we are so honored and grateful to have you ave you!
    Now I gotta watch this show

  3. Anonymous9:08 PM

    So excited for your move to Autostraddle, Dorothy! It was excellent before, but will clearly be even better now!

  4. Fantastic news and so glad to be able to read your brilliant recaps again.

  5. Yup, she still knows more than Jon Snow.
    Or does she?
