Monday, February 20, 2017

My Dinner With Hillarys

Hey, want to start your week off right? Want to start your week off in the world we all wish we lived in? Want to go to there? Then please enjoy Hillary Clinton and Kate McKinnon having a nice quiet dinner together in New York late last week. We all know Hillary has been wandering in the woods and catching all the Broadway shows in the process of living her best life post-election. (Lord knows, she deserves it.) Meanwhile, Kate has been busy playing pretty much every member of the Trump administration.

Just imagine, if you can without sobbing, what it would have been like with four glorious years of Kate's Hillary impersonations on SNL. We lost that, and obviously so (so, so, so) much more. But, at least they can share a nice meal together and talk about the could have beens. And we get a glimpse of dinner we would very much like to be invited to.

p.s. Apologies for posting this early over the weekend. But here is a little reminder of the chemistry these two have in real life. Dammit, you know they would be such great dinner company together.


  1. DREAM SCENARIO. To be at *that* table...

    1. Even dreamier? Add Hillary's other SNL impersonator Amy Poehler to the mix.

  2. Carmen SanDiego8:12 AM

    A post from the future?
    Oh to be at that table... Oh what could have been...

  3. She just wanted to thank her with a traditional two women light lunch with no other agenda whatsoever.

    But seriously, it would have been great to have a president who could take a joke without threatening to destroy democracy.

  4. Anonymous10:39 PM

    This just makes me so very, very, very sad......sigh

  5. Anonymous1:14 AM

    was that really Hillary? i just saw a woman's back.
