Wednesday, November 23, 2016

The Moviefication of Cameron Post

So it’s about time 2016 did us a solid. Granted, nothing can ever forgive this terrible, horrible, no good, very bad year. Not even close. But we will take any little ray of happiness we can take. And this, this is a big, bright, beautiful ray.

Late last week The Hollywood Reporter broke news that a film version of Emily M. Danforth’s critically acclaimed young adult novel “The Miseducation of Cameron Post” was headed to the big screen. And it will star Chloe Grace Moretz and Sasha Lane and be directed by out queer filmmaker Desiree Akhavan (from “Appropriate Behavior,” “The Slope” and “Girls” fame.) No, this is not a dream. This is more like gay lady heaven.

Set in 1993, the book is about a teenage girl who is forced into so-called gay conversion therapy. You know, the horrible thing our Vice President-Elect Mike Pence thinks we should use taxpayer money to support. So, can anyone say topical?

You might also remember “The Miseducation of Cameron Post” as a book banned by the a Delaware school board from its summer reading list because they claimed it used the word “fuck” too much. Not the gay stuff, they swear. Just the bad swears. Even though, you know, other totally acceptable books on the list also had naughty words but were about not gay people.

It’s also the book my fellow writers from the site formerly known as AfterEllen rallied behind and started a book buying campaign to get it into the hands of teens in the area anyway. Good eggs, that bunch – good eggs.

Right. So, please revel in this lovely news. Films like this, which tell such important and timely stories, can only help in the days, months, years ahead. Art can make a difference, and shine a light exactly where – and when – we need it.

1 comment:

  1. Yay! Yay! Everything about this! Yay!

    Also: slightly terrified for my heart in watching this story on the big screen. Will need to bring about massive box of Kleenex methinks.
