Tuesday, July 08, 2014

Tank Top Tuesday

I don’t understand… I’m so confused… I just…wait, what? So yesterday “news” broke that Michelle Rodriguez and Zac Efron were dating. Like with a picture of them kissing and everything. Irrefutable proof! I mean, they’re both in their bathing suits. That’s just science. Considering M-Rod has stated publically that she is bisexual, this should not be a big deal. But, if you talk to every lesbian on the planet’s gaydar, it’s a big fucking shock. Like, are they trolling the world? Is it April 1? Hey, more power to them. Two people who work out and wax that much deserve each other. And, you know, who she is smooching certainly doesn’t affect how she looks in a tank top.

Michelle Rodriguez

Remember when she looked like this? Yeah, hence the shock.

Rutina Wesley

So I guess I was wrong. Tara is really, truly dead. Jesus, what a shitty, disrespectful way to kill off a character that has been on the show all seven seasons – off screen. Ugh, at this point I’m hoping every single character dies. Fine, maybe not Pam.

Sasha Alexander

Please, tell me last week wasn’t just about Jane asking Maura to raise the baby with her? Be more gay, show. I mean it.

Lena Headey

I watched “Dredd” in between my Netflix lesbian movie marathon over the weekend too. Even with that scar and homicidal attitude, I’d totally hit it.

Heather Morris & Naya Rivera

Yesyerday it was confirmed that Naya Rivera would no longer be a series regular for the sixth and final (shitty, come on, you know it will be) season of “Glee” – and instead just be a recurring character. At least one of those “recurring” moments better involve Brittany.


  1. Thanks for Maura - and the recaps :)

  2. Carmen SanDiego5:48 AM

    I remember when I used to care about Glee and True Blood
    Seems like so long ago...

  3. Anonymous4:21 PM

    Zac Efron gay? I don't know. I must watch Dredd right now. I did watch the Codependent alien thing which had some very funny parts.

  4. OK, what about this: Michelle is trying to reel Zac into a polyamorous relationship where he can be her baby-daddy while she continues to search for "The One" (Who's a lady of course.)

  5. Michelle lost me the day she said "Michie loves sausage," although I always forget that to ogle, lol. Maura's a dream, as usual. Ahh, how I love these Tank top Tuesday posts!

  6. I should add that it's not the liking sausage part, it's the attitude part. She's making bisexuals look horrid!
