Monday, July 07, 2014

Instant Lesbian Queue

When life gives you a long holiday weekend, you give yourself a lesbian movie marathon on Netflix. Since I finished “Orange Is the New Black” ages ago, in between the barbecue and fireworks this weekend was about watching as many movies in the Gay & Lesbian category as possible that I hadn’t seen before. And, because I’m a sharer, I thought I’d pass on my thoughts from my impromptu viewings. A countdown, from least to most recommended (and alternate Netflix recommendations when applicable).

5. Jack & Diane: Pretty much 90 minutes of June Temple having a nosebleed. I know, I know – it is supposed to be a meditation on love and its infectious power or something, but mostly it is just one long, incomprehensible ramble with absolutely zero storyline. Want to watch a movie about young love and metaphorical werewolfism? Skip it and stream “Better Than Chocolate” again instead, with “An American Werewolf in Paris” as a chaser.

4. A Marine Story: I’m happy to report that this movie feels terribly dated now that Don’t Ask, Don’t tell is gone. Want to watch Dreya Weber’s crazy fit body? Skip it and stream “The Gymnast” again instead.

3. Breaking the Girls: Jamie Babbit’s psychological thriller is “Strangers of a Train” with a twist. Not bad, not great. Want to watch a mindfuck movie with lesbian overtones? Maybe skip it and stream “My Summer of Love” again instead.

2. Cloudburst: An older lesbian couple goes all Thelma and Louise when one of their granddaughter’s puts her in a home. Lovely acting by Olympia Dukakis and Brenda Fricker and a poignant look at what it means to love someone the world doesn’t fully realize you’ve loved for 31 years. Don’t skip it.

1. Codependent Lesbian Space Alien Seeks Same: WHY DID NO ONE TELL ME HOW FUNNY THIS MOVIE WAS? Seriously, I laughed a lot. Sure, it is proudly low rent – the spaceship was made out of two aluminum roasting pants pans taped together – but the writing is so clever it makes up for the lack of budget. Don’t skip it. I mean it, add it to your instant queue immediately.

Other current lesbian offerings on Netflix I recommend from previous viewings include, but are not limited to: Kiss Me, Concussion, The Kids Are All Right and Show Me Love. You should also probably watch Blue Is the Warmest Color, if nothing else so you can get all of the spaghetti jokes.

So, now your turn, what streaming options can you recommend?


  1. Carmen SanDiego4:44 AM

    Wow I haven't seen a single one of those five. Guess I have work to do
    And what would I reccomend? Well, Bound. Don'tknow if it is streaming but it is such a great movie..

  2. I have the Codependent movie in my Q and was wondering if it was going to be funny or a dud. Im glad to hear I will be laughing.

    Here is a funny movie (not LGBT) that I recently watched on Netflix and loved ... "A Fantastic Fear of Everything".

  3. Anonymous10:51 AM

    I ADORE "I can't think straight." Beautiful actresses and a really good storyline.

  4. Anonymous11:15 AM

    I wonder what size I take in "aluminum roasting pants". Those sound awesome. :)

  5. Mayor Mills9:54 PM

    Ooohh! I caught Foxy Merkins at this past Frameline, made by and starring much of the same folks as Codependent Lesbian Space Alien Seeks Same. I don't know what sort of distribution it has, but maybe it too will soon show up at a Netflix server near you.

  6. Anonymous7:00 PM

    I love 'And Then Came Lola'. Not the most complex storyline and definitely has it's fair share of cheesy scenes, but the main character is cute in a very believable way (doesn't hurt that she looks a lot like my ex ... lol). Anyway, that's my pick. Love you list. I've seen about half of them you mentioned and largely agree with your assessments.

    -Your Friendly Bi Reader :P
