Friday, May 09, 2014

My Weekend Crush

Hey, remember a few years ago (2011, to be exact) when I talked about this cool “Self Evident Truths” photography project? It was the one artist iO Tillett Wright was crisscrossing the nation taking pictures of LGBTQ people, remember? Well, guess what, it’s still happening – and it has gotten bigger. iO is still taking pictures and has now expanded her goal to 10,000 faces with it all culminating in an instillation on the National Mall in Washington, D.C. It’s ambitious, for sure. And it needs your help to happen. So far more than 4,200 people have been photographed. To reach its new goal, the project is looking for people to sponsor each face in the form of a $20 “We Are You” T-shirt. (If you’re wondering where all the money is going, the site has a comprehensive breakdown here.) You can also still pose for the project. The touring schedule is here. Do a cool deed, get a cool shirt. Kind of win-win, no? Happy weekend, all.

1 comment:

  1. tlsintx7:43 AM

    Spec. tacular. I'm getting a t shirt. Thanks Snarksy!
