Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Vacation Vixen: Julie White

Fuck wank bugger shitting arse head and hole. I am so goddammed pissed they canceled “Go On.” I mean, seriously. Did you have that much going for you in the comedy department, NBC? Sure, you wisely renewed “Parks and Recreation” and “Community” (well, depending on how you liked the Dan Harmon-less incarnation). But axing “Go On” just as it had begun to really find its groove and could become something truly great. YOU FUCKING SUCK. I now demand that Julie White’s character Anne be wholesale moved over to another show – any other show. Comedy, drama, crime procedural. Though, to be honest, I’d be happy if the glorious Ms. White got cast in anything decent because that lady is good and need to be on my teevee on the regular. Sigh. Well, we’ll always have the memories. What I am feeling is getting more, but in an angry way.


  1. ;) babs2:45 AM

    I really liked that show!

  2. Carmen SanDiego8:01 AM

    Yeah, this totally sucked. I fast forwarded thru the other characters scenes and only watched Anne's.
    I wish we could get more adult lesbian characters on TV, I feel like most of the existing ones are kids.

  3. Anonymous12:21 PM

    Maybe NETFLIX will buy it and produce more shows. They seem interested in buying and having their own stuff these days ... Like they did with Arrested Development.

    Netflix and Hula Plus and others producing thier own shows and not being a slave to advertisers HAS TO BE the way of the future. HOPEFULLY

  4. She's a great character. And I love that this show celebrates my obsession with Rachel Maddow. Speaking of.... why you no post on the Great Maddow? She's on TV and stuff. Yeah

  5. I started watching "Go On" on your suggestion and now I'm heartbroken...okay- maybe that's an exaggeration. Thanks though Snarker, even if the glory is short lived.

  6. Anonymous3:57 PM

    Ack! I didn't know! total bummer as that show was clever and gathering steam.
