Thursday, January 10, 2013

About last Glee

Oh, you’re back. Yeah. This is going to be awkward. Um, “Glee,” we need to talk. There comes a point where you have to just stop and say it out loud. Admit it to yourself, your friends, the universe. This just isn’t working. This has to end. Hey, “Glee,” I’m just not that into you anymore. It’s not me, it’s definitely you. While I still may love some aspects of you, you clearly do not love me or any other member of the collective Lesbian Blogging Community back. Which is a shame, because there has always been something rather endearing about you and your plucky insistence on having adults pretending to be teenagers sing and dance and learn three or four of the same life lessons over and over and over again.

I’m not saying we can’t still be friends. I’m loyal to a fault. So I will keep tabs on you and more than likely continue to check in, possibly even weekly. Since I’m not a Nielsen family there’s no real harm in keeping you on like white noise. But I won’t obsess about you. I won’t stress about you. And most of all, I won’t write about you. I’m just going to let you exist and pull crazy stunts like bursting through the fourth wall like a vindictive Mr. Kool-Aid and say insulting, misguided things in an attempt to shame an entire fanbase. Oh, yeahhhh…don’t think the Lesbian Blogging Community will ever forget that. You don’t just get kicked in the head by someone you thought you had a deep and meaningful relationship with and let go of that without good reason. So until you, dear “Glee,” give me a good reason to care again, I just won’t.

As irresponsible and enraging it is that a so-called champion of all things LGBT thinks its lesbian fans are a bunch of unstable goons who just want to murder the faces off of boys who dare look at the girls they like, I’m simply not going to let you make my blood pressure spike anymore. Nor will I grind my teeth at your total missing of the point that the lack of equal affection representation in your lesbian – and gay, too, because we care about the whole rainbow believe it or not – relationships compared to the straight ones. It’s no longer fruitful for me to get worked up at all of your flaws. I can’t fix you, as much as I’d like to. Only you can fix you. And if you do, we’ll talk again. Only time will tell.


  1. Jenna2:36 AM

    Am I the only one who was waiting for this post?

    It's happened to the best of us.

    Thank God for Fan Fiction.

  2. Well said, Ms Snarker, well said...

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. kasadilla113:58 AM

    About damn time, Ms. Snarker.

  5. Theresa4:35 AM

    I was waiting for this too. When I watched that episode I also decided to stop caring. What awful things to write in an episode, and what awful things that did nothing to push the plot along. They were there for one reason only, a message. Lame!

  6. Anonymous8:02 AM

    "And most of all, I won’t write about you."



  7. Can someone please tell me what happened? What is the message?

  8. Anonymous10:14 AM

    I stopped caring a long time ago. I'm just there for Brittana.. but what they're doing makes me sick. Unfair treatment sucks.. may I'll watch some episodes where Naya's gorgeous self is present.. or if Brittaba is involve.. until then, I'll put it on the sidelines.. just like how my OTP is being put on the sidelines by oh so great authors..

  9. Anonymous10:27 AM

    bravo. this post.

  10. Anonymous10:31 AM

    Apparently, Ryan Murphy thinks only lesbians (where are the bisexuals?) ship Brittana. He'll be surprised to know that a lot of straight (both female and male) peeps ship them too. It was clearly a moronic thing to say and just shows how ignorant he is.

    I'm here for Brittana and nothing else. I'm out the moment Heather and Naya leave.

  11. gika1710:39 AM

    Ryan Murphy is an ignorant twat who hates lesbians.

    There. I've said it.

    Thanks for making this the last post on the subject, Ms. Snarker.

    Now, onto writing about more important matters. Like the impending disappearance of Anna Torv and Fringe from my TV!

  12. Anonymous12:25 PM

    I need new cuticle scissors. Personally, that is both more important and more interesting than anything Glee might say or do.

    How times change. I was poised to love season three, only to be poisoned BY season three. Now, I long for the satisfaction an ignominious mid-season cancellation would inspire. Alas, I don't understand the revenue stream. Ka-ching…

    …gotta get those scissors…probably ought to do a feminine hygiene product inventory before setting out…

  13. Fanfiction gave me Brittana in the first place, which is why I'm not as bitter about the whole debacle as a more proud and dedicated fan who had been thoroughly invested in the full canon would've been.

    Don't get me wrong, though. When I heard of the episode that shall not be named, I was shattered. As if, I actually cried because I felt invested that canonically they had been ripped apart for ratings and who was other BS.

    So by default I don't even watch what little or none of it that I did before.

    as for Bram, well...eyerolling is automatic, so eh.

    Jenna honey, fanfiction SAVED Brittana.

    And writers should take note because the critical fanbase is SHRINKING since Ms Snarker has officially broken up with Glee.



  14. Anonymous1:59 PM

    One day, poor baby Logan will look back at this and say "this is my father's work".

    I would be really concerned as a parent if I were Murphy. What a legacy.

  15. Anonymous5:47 PM

    A lesbian hating gay guy who resents having been forced into having lesbian characters? Who knew?

  16. This comment has been removed by the author.

  17. Ryan,
    Can we go to couples counseling?
    Can we sit down and talk about all these bad vibes?
    The coat hanger beatings, the missed phone calls, the pathetic LBGT displays of affection.
    I know it's you, Glee, on the other line
    But you know what? It's over, I don't know you.
    You've got your own shit to work out.
    As for me, I'm going home
    (you know, to your other show, American HS2)

  18. Anonymous6:25 AM

    Stopped watching long ago. There's too much good tv out there (with and without LGBT characters) to waste time on it.

    Let the countdown to Lost Girl begin!!

  19. Athena11:47 PM

    Gosh, this break up was long overdue.
    It times perfectly with Pitch Perfect which gives us a much needed closure.
    Goodbye Glee: its not me, its you

  20. Anonymous12:16 PM

    I gave up on glee after Episode 1 of season 4. It bored me rather than infuriated, which peculiarly I found worse - explain that if you can. I can follow Santana and Naya via tumblr and twitter without having to suffer through the whole show, and honestly it's a much better place to be. I may return if and when Santana comes back with a genuine story line but I kind of hope I don't.
