Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Teen Lesbian Wolf

You know when you hear a potential storyline and think, yeah, that’ll never get made? Well, color me wrong. That teenage lesbian werewolf movie (say that six times fast) actually got made. Yes, actually. It actually has a trailer and actually will be coming to VOD and theaters this fall. Yes, actually. That little teenage lesbian werewolf ditty about “Jack & Diane” is coming to the screen.

Sure, it didn’t end up starring Ellen Page and Olivia Thirlby as originally planned. But Juno Temple and Riley Keogh stepped in with an assist from Kylie Minogue to challenge take a bite out of the coveted werewolf market. (I’m kidding, that’s not really a thing. Just don’t tell Team Jacob fans, ok?) The result looks like a cross between “All Over Me,” “An American Werewolf in London” and every microscopic forensic scene from “CSI.” Think I’m kidding, see for yourself.

Will it be any good? I really don’t know. But haven’t we all already won because a teenage lesbian werewolf movie exists in the first place. Now that’s almost reason enough to howl at the moon. Almost.


  1. Anonymous2:39 AM

    I really don't like the look of that film, but bloody Kylie is in it, I'm going to have to watch it. Bugger

  2. Steph4:05 AM

    Cringing. So much cringing.

  3. Anonymous8:33 AM

    Wow, they are really burying the "werewolf" part of that in the trailer.

    Also, "I want to unzip my body and put you in there"? Oh my. That should never actually be said.

  4. Anonymous8:42 AM

    Really? "Where wolf" in that trailer??

  5. Carmen SanDiego2:44 PM

    hmmm, this doesnt look too good but I'm going to have to watch it...
