Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Modern times

If you are being a masochist and watching the Republican National Convention this week, you are probably hearing a lot of things that sound like the above coming out of a people’s mouths. It’s enough to drive a woman to drink – fine, to drink more. As another presidential election year grinds on, I’m reminded that it was just four years ago when my state chose to take away a right from an entire segment of the population. When the people of my state, some of them neighbors, decided that we should not be allowed the same things they are allowed. That we were not equal. But, from the horrible ashes of Prop. 8 has come change – real change. Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell is gone. We have our very first sitting President come out and say publically he believes gays and lesbians should be allowed to marry. And opinions really are changing – now more people in public opinion polls say they support gay marriage than don’t support gay marriage. Not that it should be a popularity contest. That’s the thing about rights, no one should be able to take them away from you. But still, hearts and minds matter. So, on this week that we’re being pummeled with a lot of rich, privileged people saying how much they love America – just not all Americans – please enjoy this little ditty about “Modern Love” by Matt Nathanson. I know I did.


  1. Anonymous9:14 AM

    Thank you for that - I needed it. After spending last night crying with frustration at how clueless these people are, I'm now crying at how awesomely well that video showed what real love is about. And the short-haired, tank-topped lesbian lover just about made my day.

  2. paullatewks9:51 AM

    Well now, that's just a little piece of wonderful that made my whole day :)

  3. besides kinda ripping off a bright eyes video, it's cute

  4. Anonymous5:19 PM

    thank you...loved it...quite sweet...there should be more vids like this....please send them brightens our days..and like anon..I liked the tank topper too...lots of spirit....yea!

  5. consider it downloaded...
