Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Meet your maker

WARNING: “True Blood” season finale spoilers. Or as I like to call, “What the fuck was that?”

Right, so I think we can all agree this season of “True Blood” was, well, not good. Pretty bad. Shit, let’s get real – it was a hot, hot mess of a mess. The main problem with the fifth season was that it was segregated into a million small, separate stories where none of the characters talked to anyone but the people in their small, separate stories. Bill didn’t talk to Sookie. Sookie didn’t talk to Eric. Eric didn’t talk to Pam. Pam didn’t talk hardly at all. This strange compartmentalized season had a million small, separate stories I didn’t care one whoop about. Terry and the smoke monster. Andy and the fairy quintuplets. Alcide and the pack. Hoyt and the Obamas. I just really didn’t care. (Well I cared a little bit about Hoyt, but mostly because I care about Jessica.) Oh, and Russell Edgington – I really fucking hate Russell Edgington. Though Eric killing him felt even better than I thought it would. Plus the whole tiresome religious zealot allegory told via Lilith and The Authority? Pat Robertson exists already – I don’t need to be reminded of that sort of bullshit on my silly, sexy vampire show.

But here’s the thing that if not redeemed the season (because, really, I cannot overstate what a hot, hot mess of a mess it was) is the Pam and Tara relationship. Pam turning Tara. Pam teaching Tara, reluctantly. Tara caring for Pam, reluctantly. And then, well, the kiss. That kiss was something. Sure we all saw (or at least hoped we saw) it coming. Pam and Tara together? That’s HOT. But it also makes a strange kind of sense. In fact it’s the only thing that makes sense in this screwy, sloppy season. All Pam’s vampire life the only other person she has cared for was Eric. And all of Tara’s human life, the only people she has cared for are Sookie and Lafayette. And then Eric releases Pam. And then Sookie and Lafayette turn Tara. And those two, all they have is each other. They hate it at first, naturally. But despite it all a bond forms. A bond built out of earned respect and mutual admiration. These are both tough, tough women. These are both survivors. Is it slightly maternal? Sure. But remember Bill slept with his maker Lorena for decades. And Eric sleeps with his sister. Incest isn’t really a thing in the vampire world, so cool your outrage jets folks.

So what will keep me coming back for “True Blood” season 6? Definitely not Billith the bloody tampon monster. Nope, it’ll be the love – hard-earned and well-deserved – between Pam and Tara. In a season that went from ridiculous to “bitch, please,” it was the one true moment of tenderness that didn’t feel farcical. With any luck, come season 6, we’ll finally be able to see that date they owe each other. Because, come on, hot.


  1. Anonymous12:01 PM

    I´m still on heaven about the kiss. H O T

  2. Tara and Pam kissed? Snarker, you have just made my summer. I've had my fingers crossed for the two biggest badasses on this show to get together all season long.

  3. Anonymous12:30 PM

    That season sucked bad but im with jessica i knew it was going to happen

  4. Wow... just WOW! I VERY rarely disagree with you, Snarker, so I guess this is a special day of sorts. :o/

    Sure, there were stories I didn't care for, but aren't there always in ANY show?!

    I thought it was a great season... especially the Pam and Tara storyline that evolved in every single episode! Also, Pam had AMAZING lines pretty much in all episodes - just check Tumblr for the great gifs. ;o)

    And I thought the religious points made via the Lillith story were brilliant as yet another analogy for what the LGBT community still endures.

    Oh well... I'm a happy True Blood camper! :o)

  5. Anonymous1:36 PM

    That chick on the right looks an awful lot like Patsy . . . just sayin'

  6. Same as above I've been reading this blog for years and I've never disagreed with you like ever
    The smoke monster was boring but I thought the rest of the story came together nicely
    Yeah everyone was seperate through most of it but you gotta remember the show takes place over like 2 weeks of building up to everyone reaching the authority in various ways

  7. Yeah, that kiss was hot! I loved Jessica's reaction to it because it was my reaction as well.

    I can't wait to see what happens with Pam and Tara in season six!

  8. Anonymous9:10 PM

    I watch this show only when my roommates are doing so (and they gave up earlier this year), but last night I went through youtube and found every clip of pam/tara interaction this season to justify my sudden and immediate obsession with this scene. it was a good time. I bet it'd be an okay show if the rest of it weren't redonkulous

  9. I still crack up at Jessica's "I KNEW it!" moment. She's such a fangirl.

    This season was indeed a hot, messy mess. Ugh. Hoping season 6 would be better but I am SO sick of Billith already.

    The only other redeeming moments for me mostly involved Eric, but not the parts where he was having sex all over the place. I guess I just think he's generally awesome, so I expect full character assassination in S6...

    Sigh. Fingers crossed for the best possible outcome.

  10. Carmen SanDiego8:40 AM

    I squealed just like Jessica!

  11. Anonymous2:39 PM

    This season has been such a hot mess. The kiss was awesome though, definite redeeming quality. With that said, I don't think I will get my hopes up over them being a solid thing. The scene after they get rescued by Eric and they are walking into the elevator, you see Pam and Eric exchange looks. I know that look...she was really happy to see him again. Something tells me Tara may get her heart broken. But, I guess we'll see what happens next season... if I stick watching it for much longer. Getting more dificult to watch than the real L word.

  12. Shasta9:27 PM

    I was originally too distracted by the hotness to notice the music behind it. Oh so sweet and lovely and romantic! Awwww! I know there'll be bumps, but I'm so excited to see what's up for these two.
    And oh, Tara grabbing that door open and getting to Pam was just so sexy.

    As for the season sucking, I seem to always enjoy True Blood even when I hear from others how sucky it is. Granted, Terry and the smoke monster were pointless and boring. Everything else? I was interested.

  13. Anonymous6:20 PM

    If you go on HBO's website, you'll be able to watch the continuation of the elevator scene, in which Tara tells Pam she'd better survive getting out of Authority headquarters because they have to go on a date. Pam is quite enthused by the idea.

  14. I totally agree with everything you said.
