Friday, June 01, 2012

My Weekend Crush

It’s harder than it seems to play tough well. People often pull it off differently. There’s asshole tough. There’s smartass tough. And then there’s just tough tough. Like Katee Sackhoff tough. Now, I know it’s wrong to typecast – actors should get to stretch their metaphorical wings, blah blah balh. But there’s also something to be said for specializing. And if Katee ends up playing strong female characters for the rest of her career, well, I think that wouldn’t be terrible for all parties involved in the least. So it pleases me greatly that we’ll see Katee again, toughing it out, in the new series “Longmire” which debuts this Sunday on A&E. She’ll play a deputy sheriff in a small Wyoming town. Sure, I wish she was playing the sheriff proper, but that’s another rant for another day. But we still get to see her strut her tough stuff, and wear a uniform to boot. Of course, the real Katee is not the same as the onscreen Katee. But from what I can tell from her interviews and tweets, the real Katee is also a fun, filter-free gal with her own kind of tough side. And that tough side rides a Harley. Happy weekend, all.

p.s. Yes, that’s her “Battlestar Galactica” co-star Tricia Helfer also on a Harley. You’re welcome.


  1. Anonymous3:29 AM

    I love Starbuck, sorry I mean Katee. Total wife material and I don't even believe in marriage, but I would love to be her domestic goddess.

  2. Anonymous4:12 AM

    thanks for the heads-up!

  3. Anonymous4:59 AM

    Actually, I think that's a honda shadow Katee's riding...

  4. Anonymous5:29 AM

    Mmmm, Starbuck and Boomer, so much crunchy UST.

  5. Anonymous6:39 AM

    Starbuck was one of the all time great characters.

  6. I ADORE BSG in no small part because of Katee's amazing portrayal of Starbuck. Funny thing is, she says she's quite girly in real life. I've also watched some of the YouTube vids of her and Tricia Helfer, who became BFFs, and it's kinda funny/adorable. (Although be warned that nothing actually HAPPENS in the videos, so if you're like me and don't care for reality tv, you'll bore quickly.)

    All that is to say, Katee is TOTALLY worthy of a crush, weekend or not.

  7. The only thing better than Katee Sackhoff on a motorcycle would be Katee Sackhoff and Tricia Helfer on motorcycles. Thank you, Ms. Snarker, for reading my mind...or maybe one of my other body parts.

  8. Anonymous6:20 AM

    Katee makes me feel gayer than rainbows.

  9. Anonymous4:59 PM

    Oregonian article about Sackhoff, an Oregon native:

  10. Hi

    Battlestar Galactica was one of my favourite series when I was a kid.
    I'm referring to the original one that passed here in Portugal during the 80's.
    Then we had Buck Rogers (hope I got the name right).
    Now we don't have these kind of series anymore. Just some lame attempts.

    Kind regards,

