Friday, April 06, 2012

My Weekend Crush

I like a good meme as much as the next gal. Forever Alone. Forever funny. Now kiss. Yes, please. Clean all the things! Not if I clean them first. But yesterday, yesterday the series of tubes brought us a wondrous new meme that combines almost all the things I love. Feminism. Politics. Texting. And, yes, Hillary Clinton. So with that, on this glorious Texts from Hillary. And just think, four years ago she was considered one of the most divisive figures in politics. And today? Today she’s taken over the internet not because she’s a joke, but because she’s awesome. Now that’s some swagger. Oh, Hillary. You’ve always got my vote. Happy weekend, all.

p.s. This one might be the winner. But really, they’re all fucking fantastic. Hil in 16, y’all.


  1. I love love LOVE this meme!!!
    Hillary is such an HBIC!¨
    I hope it grows and flourishes until Hillary is considered more awesome than the chuck morris meme :)

    ooh somebody should do a mash up of these...what a power-off!

  2. ;) babs2:51 AM


  3. The Sarah Palin one: "Hey we almost had the same job!"
    "Bitch please" made me LOL


  4. Saw this yesterday, gave myself an asthma attack laughing so hard. Here's hoping the press corps start turning in more Hilary texting photos to keep us laughing.

  5. Florence7:24 AM

    Fantastic tumblr! Thanks.

  6. Anonymous8:24 AM

    I love this, thank you thank you.

  7. Anonymous10:08 AM


  8. This stuff is damned funny.

    I think if this kind of stuff keeps building over the next 4 years or so she will eventually say yes.

    I like Susan Rice too. Or Elizabeth Warren if Hillary decides not to run for president in '16.

    Clearly, President Obama chose well in regards to his women choices, including the two newest women on the SCOTUS.

    Anyway, I think Hillary has grown a LOT since '08, and has worked hard for women all over the world. I very definitely would vote for her in 2016.

  9. My new favourite meme. Pure internets genuis!

  10. THIS made my day!!! :-D
