Friday, April 27, 2012

My Weekend Blogiversary

So this week – Tuesday to be exact – was my six – yes, SIX – year anniversary writing Dorothy Surrenders. Six years. Holy tea and crumpets. That’s a lot of years. In that time I could have graduated from college on a super slow track, earned a PhD in something nerdy or at the very least taught myself to play “Stairway to Heaven” on the guitar. But instead I was here, with you, shooting the shit about gay stuff and TV stuff and movie stuff and hot lady stuff. And you know what, I wouldn’t change a thing. Nope, not a thing.

The thing is, writing this blog every day (minus weekends, because I’m not a machine people) has been one of the most fulfilling things I’ve ever done. It’s been an outlet for all the things that bounce around my skull and otherwise keep me up at night. It’s been a way to find community, a way to find friends, a way to find opportunities. In short, it has been great. And even when it’s not so great, it’s been damn great. And that’s really because of all of you. Without you I’d just be another crazy lady on the series of tubes. I mean, I am that already, but because of you I know I’m not alone and we can all share in the craziness together. So thank you. Thank you, thank you for coming to my little corner of The Internets and spending some time with me every day.

This blogiversary, I’ve even got some news to share. First, I wanted to announce (finally – God I’m terrible at these things) the winner of the Rachel Maddow autographed copy of “Drift.” Congratulations @jenbattistella. Please check your email.

Second, I am coming out of my self-imposed witness protection program and will be speaking at the BlogHer conference in New York City this year. Yes. Me. In the flesh. For realsies. No tag backs. Come see me if you’re in the Big Apple August 3.

And third, I’ll be launching a Kickstarter to raise a little technical upgrade funds (i.e. I desperately need a new laptop and various accessories) next month. This is a tricky one, because I’ve never made a penny off of Dorothy Surrenders in the six years I’ve been writing. And I have steadfastly refused to put advertising on the site, because I believe it’s important to keep a few ad-free spaces on the internet where people can be creative without secretly trying to sell you life insurance. But a lady’s also gotta make a little scratch to keep the lights on. So if you’ve got a couple bucks, tuck it under your mattress for me and consider donating once the Kickstarter launches. Also I’ll have some cool incentives to share.

Right, so that’s that. Six years in the bag. Thanks for reading, my friends. You’ve made all the sleepless nights worth it. As always, I love hearing from you. So if you feel like saying hi let me know where you’re reading from and how much of the past six years you’ve been wasting here with me.

p.s. Yep, that’s me and my cuticles.


  1. I haven't been around for all six years, but for the two years I've been reading you, it has been entertaining, educational, and full of hot, hot ladies. Thank you, Miss Snarker. The intertubes are a better place with you in them!

  2. This is my second anniversary with you Ms. Snarker. Your "Naked Lady Monday", "Tank Top Tuesday" and "Gender Fuck Thursday" got me through a stint of unemployment, moving across the country to MA, and never fail to put a smile on my face. You're insightful, entertaining, and THE coherent voice of a few fandoms. I tip my hat to you Ms. Snarker. You've validated my "respectful objectification" of these lovely ladies. Your corner of the internet is one of my favorites. Carry on with your awesome self!

  3. Launch that Kickstarter toots! I'll happily contribute.

  4. Anonymous12:34 PM

    Hi, I'm Serena from Italy and I think I've been wasting at least three years here with you. In a «yes, I have real friends in real life but sometimes I grow fond of people I don't really know just because they make me happy» way, I consider you one of my unaware friends because you make me smile and feel good. And that's what friends do. So, thank you.

  5. Wow! 6 years? That's amazing! I've been reading faithfully for about 4 and I've loved every minute...I even went back and read your blog posts from the beginning one sleepless night. So I thank you, all the way from Chicago for your dedication, wit and humor! Hurry up and launch that kickstarter, lady!

    I am so sad btw that I'm not gonna get to see you in NY...its been bugging me not being able to put a face or voice to the blog. :)

    Love always,
    Jasmine Snarker

  6. roussefolle12:55 PM

    Happy birthday to Youuu!
    Now that i think about it, darn, its almost is 6 years when I met Your blog. I hope You will write long years to come and still get bloody satisfaction from it.
    And since You becoming PUBLIC FIGURE, could You ask Prsident Obama to finally coerce Congress into removing this visa bs for Polish citizens, pretty please, so I could met You in NY without problems;)

  7. Anonymous1:09 PM

    Hey - reading from west Wales in the UK. Been reading your blog for a couple of years now - we share the same taste in women (I'm a hetero male), and I always trust your advice on films.
    In a changing world, it's good to be able to come here and watch the world change with like-minded people.
    Long may you continue to blog, and I'll be waiting for the Kickstarter so I can give something back.
    With warmest wishes,

  8. Congrats!
    I have only been reading your posts for about 4 years and it has been a joy reading your thoughts in print.
    So, once again, congratulations on 6 years of writing Dorothy Snarker from Anne in Denmark.

  9. I'm a newbie, but every blessed moment has been a joy so far! Cheers to another six years of insight and brilliance!

  10. T.A. Crawford1:19 PM

    You are Amazing!!! I've been following you from the beginning, and you just keep getting funnier, snarkier, and Awesomer. Thank you for being you, and broadcasting yourself to space and back.

  11. Reading your blog helped get me through a rough time. Thank you!

  12. Lynnie1:45 PM

    I have enjoyed your column for about 5+ yrs as a reader, first from home town in California then the past two yrs from England where I immigrated to marry my English wife :>)

  13. Franzi1:46 PM

    Since you wanted to know from where we read your blog I decided to post a comment for once.
    I'm from Germany and I just recently discovered your blog when you posted something about the band "BOY" and got stuck with you. Thanks to you I have a new favourite band and I was lucky enough to see them live a couple of weeks ago. They're really fabulous!
    I love the mix of funny and intelligent and important stories that you always post and it always makes my day a little brighter. So thank you for doing what you've been doing and please keep doing it =)

  14. Anonymous2:01 PM

    it's my first post too
    just because i want you to know how talented you are, i never miss a post from you
    i'm french and happy to read your blog everyday, keep going !

  15. I've been reading your blog from Chicago for the last 3 years and I love every single post. Even about shows that I don't watch or actresses I've never seen before.

    Please keep doing it!

  16. annismac2:23 PM

    I'm another recent recruit,Your blog is a little ray of sunshine in my dull English village life.
    I thank you for my continuing education into lesbian life and of course the pictures of the pretty ladies.

  17. I'm not really sure how long I have been reading your musings. I'm pretty sure I remember about five of these anniversary posts though. And every year I'm surprised that it has come around so quickly. I come here most days, but I certainly catch up every week. You're a pleasant end to my day. So thank you from Manchester, England.

  18. tenofive2:34 PM

    Congratulations on your six-year anniversary, Ms. Snarker! I've been with you pretty much from the beginning. Maybe not the same day or week you launched, but shortly thereafter. And I went back and read all the posts you had already made. I live in the SoCal wine country, Temecula.

  19. Anonymous2:43 PM

    Thanks DS for 6 years of sharing the crazy & all the wonderful stuff you write about. I don't remember how I stumbled onto your blog, I have been enjoying it almost from the start and catching up on your musings is now part of my day and always elicits a smile or a 'thank you!' for writing about important things and spreading the word. Clare - Tasmania ( Australia)

  20. Anonymous3:09 PM

    Well, for the last two years the first think I do when I get home afer a long day at work, is to check your blog. And you have not once failed to make my day better - so thank you very much for that and I hope you'll stick around for many years to come!!
    Happy Aniversary from Austria

  21. Anonymous3:28 PM

    Canadian here and I will be kicking in to keep the lights on. You write, we enjoy, we give to keep you writing. Creative projects are always collaborative that way.

  22. Anonymous3:28 PM

    Well done on making it six years of gloriously entertaining commentary. I must have been checking you out for about 5 of the 6 years but pretty sure I've read everything on here, even if the subject matter, at first, wasn't one that I knew or thought I'd be interested in. Keep up the snark. Oh, I'm from Ayrshire, Scotland.

  23. Anonymous3:42 PM

    Your blog got me through 3 years of being the only gay lady in my Army units.

    Kickstart it up!

  24. Dude, so - 6 years is crazy. Congratulations! I found you about five and a half years ago right when I was coming out to myself and my friends and in the last five and a half years, I've lived in four states, worked countless random jobs, lost a parent and started law school... but every weekday, this has been the first site I check when I wake up in the morning. I'll never meet you, I'll probably never even know your name, but because of you, I discovered the greatness of Tina Fey and totally knew Brittana was going to be a thing. And some days I wake up knowing it's going to be a long day and there's a muppet video or Ellen's dance dare or something that makes it way easier to get out of bed. So... the point is that I appreciate you and everything you do and I'm amazed that you've stuck with this everyday. Thank you.

  25. Get the kicking started! I have no idea when I started reading you, but it's probably been 5 years or more. Congratulations on 6 years, and thank you for being such a consistently smart, funny, insightful voice. You make this world better.

  26. G Funk4:42 PM

    I have been reading you for almost all of your 6 years. You are amazing and one of the only pages that I always make it a point to check. When your kickstarter is up and running, I will gladly help out. Thanks for some amazing years!

    Lots of love from Pasadena CA

  27. I've been reading for probably close to the six years from Phoenix. While I don't get to check in every day, I definitely check in at least once a week. Love the pics, love your writing. Nothing else to say: love, love, love.
    I will contribute!

  28. Anonymous5:13 PM

    Much Thanks!!!!!

  29. I think I found your blog about four years ago, and it's been bookmarked and faithfully read ever since. And since I really, really appreciate not having to follow the sliding screen while ads balloon and collapse like on just about every other website (ahem, AE, ie.), I will gladly dig into my couch cushions and kick in when Kickstarter kicks in. Or something like that. From Kimmer, lost in the hinterlands of central Michigan.

  30. Carolina5:15 PM

    Congratulations Ms. Snarker!
    I am from Brazil and I've been reading your posts for almost five years. I love it! Thanks for all your good humor and dedication!

  31. Anonymous5:31 PM

    Happy SIX! You're BRILLIANT and I can't wait to be able to send you a few dollars in support of all that you've creatively, freely given over the last SIX years. Bring on the Kickstarter alreadyz!!

  32. Anonymous5:38 PM

    Hey D. Been reading for years from Dublin, Ireland. Your blog is part of my every day check on the interweb. Definitely will donate if you stick a link up. Well done you. Happy Anniversary and Thank You for taking your time to entertain, educate and tickle all the gay ladies.
    PS you have beautiful cuticles, your family must be very proud :)

  33. hi Ms Snarker :D congratulations on your 6th year! i think i've been reading your blog for over 4 years now. thanks for all the sexy and funny blog posts that made me smile even the dreariest days in college and the toughest times at work. i learned so much from you. here's to more years in the interwebs! all my love from the Philippines :)

  34. Hey congrats for your 6 years in the net. Just been reading [commenting]
    about a year, and oh boy what a year I had reading your blog!...
    Just like Gladys is saying...
    "Keep on keepin' on"...we need a laugh or two. ^_^

  35. i've been reading your blog for about 5 years starting from a 15 year old closet case to an out and proud uni grad from birmingham, england.

    my daily internet check go afterellen, ms snarker and facebook in that order :) will deffo be happy to contribute to kickstarter x

  36. Anonymous6:45 PM

    Congrats on your blogiversary! I've been reading for about 2 or 3 years, every day, religiously - ever since I found your cache of Lena Headey posts. Love this place - such a wonderful combination of sexy, silly, and outrageous (or outraged, whatever fits the bill). Much love to you for this! (Oh, I'm reading in Charlottesville, Virginia.)

  37. Anonymous6:51 PM

    Hey Dorothy. I'm in Illinois and I've only been reading your blog for a couple of weeks or so, but I'm going blind from trying to catch up on the last 6 years!! You're freakin' awesome and my new idol! Keep up the great snark!

  38. Anonymous7:04 PM

    I have been reading/gazing at your blog from Sydney, for probably about 5 years, it's my favourite blog on the internets. If it ever went away, I would crack a sad.

    So often you post pictures of the ladies I like to look at, but more often than not you write things that need to be said and things that I 98% completely agree with.

    Your thoughts on the film "The Kids Are All Right" were so on the money and so right.

    Sometimes I love the interweb, this is one of those times.


  39. Anonymous7:19 PM

    I think I've been reading this for a couple of years and I do try to get to it everyday. I love it. It is informative, silly and super gay.

  40. Anonymous8:04 PM

    I read your blog because of the quality of your writing. Dorothy Parker, Oscar Wilde, and Jonathan Swift would all be proud of you. You make your subject matter interesting even to those of us who do not watch the programs you critique. Thank you for your work.

  41. Anonymous8:04 PM

    Delurking (sorta) to say I'll happily throw some money your way! I love your blog and appreciate the time and resources you put in to share with us as well as your thoughtful, insightful, and entertaining posts (and the tank tops)! Bring on Kickstarter!

  42. Anonymous8:14 PM

    I've been reading you for a big chunk of those 6 years and you are one of my "open all in tabs" bookmarks to start the day:) Thank you Dotty (and if that is a picture of you, may I say you have quite beautiful lips?).

  43. Carmen SanDiego8:18 PM

    Happy bloggiversary DS! And thank you so much for all that you do and all the sleepless nights. I don't remember how I found my way to Surrenders but I have been coming back faithfully for about 3 years, your blog is the last thing I read in the morning after I'm done with the paper. I save it for last because your writing is like a delicious desert.
    I always thought that if I had to pay for a blog subscription (or a Twitter feed, for that matter) it would be yours so I am more than happy to help out with the Kickstarter thing.
    Cheers from SoCal

  44. Dear Ms. Snarker,
    I have no idea when I started following you, but you are the reason I joined blogger, as well as tumblr, so maybe I should curse you... I'm in the Bay Area, same as you.

  45. Thanks for giving me my dose of daily gay.. Its like mashed potatoes for my sense of belonging

  46. Peggy9:18 PM

    Can't remember when I haven't been reading your blog, but must be somewhere in the 5-6 year area. Thanks for all the beauty, good humor, and good times.

    I hail from sunny Sacramento!

  47. Shasta10:27 PM

    Wow, maybe I've been reading you for 6 years.... Entirely possible!
    And I'd like to take this moment to tell all the grumpy nay-sayers to do themselves and their health a favour and go find the stuff that they like on the internet. Life's too short to focus on hating on gay ladies! Shoo! Go spread love somewhere!

  48. Anonymous11:28 PM

    Awesome awesome you, in love with your blog for the past 3 years! keep it going! - cheers for you from Singapore.

  49. Felicidades! I have followed you from the beginning here in Barcelona Spain:)Everyday I come to your page.It's great! Gracias!

  50. Hi, I've been following your blog since my freshman year of high school and now four years later what guiding light it has been for all my lady-loving! No other blog seems to capture my inner most thoughts on all of the gorgeous ladies out there! I love the way you think, and your writing is superb. Cheers to another great six years! I can't tell you how your wonderful writing has impacted me.

    Thanks from Pittsburgh and New York!


  51. heartbeats12:52 AM

    Oh Dorothy, you are one wonderful lady! It has been a such a pleasure visiting your thoughts and inspirations these last 3 years. Thank you for sharing, it is truly appreciated. Much love from Oz.

  52. Anonymous3:29 AM

    Open up that Paypal account I will donate! Thanks for so much fun. I wished I had a writing talent like you.

  53. Kai (formerly Kate) of New Mexico. Better known by my handle Literaryvice432.
    I've been around for at least 4 years. I started hanging out consistently in 2008. I've been enjoying Gender Fuck Thursday and anything involving Rachel Maddow and/or Carla Gugino (when, oh when will she do a decent movie?) since then.
    I'm still holding out for Melissa Harris Perry to be your weekend crush.

  54. And what lovely cuticles they are! --conspiculously not mentioning the lucious lips --

    Bring on the kickstarter! We'll kick you to a new laptop and way beyond!

    Not sure I've been here from the start, but it's been pretty close to it. You are my first stop every morning, (after email), and I don't miss a day.

    Thank you Ms. Snarker. Thank you.

  55. FINALLY we can pay you back, even in such a small way, get going with the Kickstarter asap! There will be some English pounds heading their way to you. Your blog is one of three I check every day (along with Facebook and the BBC, natch) and I love it, thank you! Morag (on a canal boat in England)

  56. Jasmine6:12 AM


    It's devastating to think that I missed out on years of writing from one of my favourite blogs (though I admit I've spent hours upon hours perusing the archives).
    I wish I'd have know about you and your blog from the beginning, because it brightens my day, it really does.

    Last year, after several months reading your writing and being utterly and absolutely convinced that I could make it as a writer too, I left school with nothing but a stagnating blog and a dream. I reinvented my blog to do the weekday-only post thing, determined that with hard work and dedication, I could follow in the footsteps of the writer that I admire the most.

    So thank you for posting here and sharing your thoughts, I love waking up to your words!

    -Jasmine x

  57. I love reading your blog-it's been three years I think since I discovered you on After Ellen. Keep it up-you're hilarious and thoughtful (keep posting the beautiful women too!). I'm in Toronto.

  58. Anonymous6:58 AM

    Ive started my morning off with you every day for at least 5 years, and have enjoyed every word (and picture). Thank you!
    - middle-aged in suburban Chicago

  59. Anonymous8:02 AM

    Greetings from Iceland! I love your blog and have read every word for the past few years - happy anniversary :)

  60. Hello from Hawaii, where I've been reading for three years. Thanks - for everything.

  61. Anonymous9:31 AM

    My Dear Ms. Snarker,
    I've been a faithful reader for nearly six years- first from Indiana and now from Kentucky. I've joyfully stuck with you because your posts are funny, insightful, well-written, and simply delightful to read. Day after day, post after post... you are appreciated. And I will gladly show my appreciation by contributing financially to the cause. I bet you'll be surprised how quickly the cash comes in! I'm pretty sure you attract intelligent and conscientious readers who understand the value of your time and contributions. I'm hoping to celebrate many more anniversaries with you, Ms. Snarker, and with all of your thoughtful readers!

  62. Hi from Guadalajara, Mexico! Congratulations for these 6 years! You have become my daly-morning-coffee-cup-reading! Thank you for so many days of gay/lesbian funny and interesting reading. Always waiting for "my weekend crush". I would love to send some money your way! :) Muchas Gracias y Muchas Felicidades!

  63. Anonymous10:00 AM

    Congratulations on six years. Although I don't see why there was the remark about sites with ads on them.

    Not all bloggers or webmasters have a built in audience that will support them unconditionally and offer to financially support the writer as yours seems to. Besides what's wrong with ADs? NOTHING.

    Whatever, advertisements lend a fun and interesting dimension to any site as visitors may discover things they weren't aware of.

    Things such as: Games, Sales, Specials etc. It's NOT only about car insurance. How's the view from that High Horse You Sit Upon?

  64. Your blog has been a part of my life since before I came out, and has followed me all through my college career. Now I'm graduating and all the way across the country. (Ithaca, NY) and this blog still affects me every day in some small way. Thank you!


  65. LudiLeptir11:17 AM

    Congrats on your years! I can't believe it's been an entire year, it feels as if you hit 5 just yesterday. I guess that means I've been following this blog on a daily basis for at least two years now. Wow!
    Takk for tiden sammen!
    Love, your devoted Norwegian fan.

    P.S. If you've seen the Lip Service 2x02; I guess we now know why the awful photoshopping was done to the promopics...I'm thinking The Beatles, if you catch my drift. If you don't, I'll just go sit in my nerdcorner by myself, I don't want elaborate and to risk spoiling the ep for anyone who might be listenening (aka reading.. readining..?) in.

  66. That manicure is marvelous, darling!

    I appreciate ya a whole lot, Dot. So much so, I do read ya everyday. I don't always agree with you -- yet you are still pretty.

    6 years is a long time. I've tried to catch up on your archives but I did in fact fall asleep.

  67. tlsintx1:40 PM

    Yay Snarker! I don't know how long i've been here with you, but it's been a long time and I have loved every single visit. I'm reading from Texas. You have saved my life every single day. :)

    Thank you for the hot fun and congrats on your anniversary. Keep it up, girl!


  68. Estonian all the way and have been reading three years. It. Has. Been. Amazing.

  69. This comment has been removed by the author.

  70. fridax8:50 PM

    Congratulations on six years of writing about women and/or politics. Highly enjoyable and inspiring. Course, tank tops never hurt either. I think, I started to read your blog, courtesy if (shameless) self-advertisement on AE and hilarious writing over there. Thanks for that. Hailing from Santo Domingo, but usually based in GER.

  71. [Nothing to hide; I just can't stand type-os. That are my own. Yours are fine.]
    Although I've been reading your articles on AfterEllen sporadically through the years, I came to this blog rather recently. Which leads to the not-infrequent thought, "Where the fuck have I been." I try not to flagellate myself too much for the lost years and instead be thankful that I found you. Now, I swear, you are my favorite thing on the internet machine (a close race with Maddow podcasts) and I hope you aren't bored after 6 years and that you continue on for many more years. cheers, maya

  72. Anonymous10:45 PM

    You're part of my daily dose of internet. I enjoy you, it's really that simple. Keep 'em coming! All the best to you. :)

  73. Pretty sure I've been around for the majority of those six years, if not all of them... For now, I'm reading from Wisconsin. I've read from here before, but also from Los Angeles and New York because, apparently, I get around.

  74. Oh, and a very happy blogiversary to you, Ms. Snarker!

  75. i love you miss snarker. i love the way you write about stuff. everything become so smart and so funny through your words. your little corner of internet is my favorite corner. thank you so much & happy anniversary!

  76. I <3 Ms. Snarker.
    I've been giggling and enjoying your posts for almost 5 years.
    Thanks for educating and entertaining me!
    <3 from melbourne, aus.

  77. <3 Thank you for such the lovely post, I know you love us as much as we love you, but everyone likes to feel reminded :)

    Canada over here, I don't comment much (mostly because i'm terrible and remembering how) but I've been here for what, like 4 years? And i've loved every minute of it... with perhaps a little extra love for tank top tuesday :P

    Thank you for all the time and effort you've put in to this blog, it really does brighten up by day.

  78. I just wanted to respond to the "Anonymous" commenter shilling for the ad industry: Oh.My.God. What is wrong with people? Someone is really so in love with having ads on websites that they can't respect and appreciate that this site is ad-free? Instead they get so worked up about it that they have to disparage La Snarker's choice to keep it so? Seriously? I don't even..I can't...what is wrong with people?!

    [I know I shouldn't comment on stuff like this, but it makes me really mad. I usually stay away from reading comments on websites cuz, y'know, that's where the crazies hang out. ;) But people on here are usually cool.]

  79. Anonymous11:46 AM

    Im not sure how long Ive been reading.. But might very well have been from the inception. I dig your sense of humor and writing style. Keep up the great work and maybe you should consider making a dime or two from this blog.

  80. Anonymous11:47 AM

    Whoops forgot to say I hail from Hartford, Connecticut.

  81. Anonymous12:52 PM

    Hi, I'm Virginie from France and I've been reading you for about 5 years, and it's always been a great pleasure :). Happy blogiversary, thank you for sharing all that stuff with us and I hope you'll keep doing it for many years ^^.

  82. Anonymous1:09 PM

    Not sure when I 'found' you, but I just went back to look for an entry that I clearly recall reading: 5th February 2009. I was already hooked by then, so I guess I started reading at some point in 2008? That is really a lot of great entries. I am from Spain and will be happy to contribute when you set up the Kickstarter thing! :)

    Here's to many more years!

  83. Congratulations!

    I've been reading for about 4 or 5 of those 6 years and you have provided hours of entertainment, multiple snorts of laughter, and a well-lit path into the lesbian interwebs that I would never have found on my own.

    Can't wait for your Kickstarter!

  84. Tabatha2:24 PM

    Hey, Ms. Snaker!
    Congratulations on six years of writing an amazing blog.
    I've been reading it for years and I'm really grateful for all the smart and funny posts and all the beautiful ladies, of course.
    Thank you for making me laugh when I'm about to blow up.

    From a thankful brazilian admirer.

  85. Hey Ms Snarker,

    I've been reading for most of those six years - and I've enjoyed every minute of it!

    Part of my daily work ritual is to grab a coffee, check the world news, and then pop over here to read some really important news (Tank Tops, Rizzoli etc.)

    I've been reading from Brisbane, QLD and more recently from a regional town (Mackay in QLD, Australia) and being able connect vicariously with other gay ladies who appreciate tank tops has been amazing.

    Thanks for the last six years - looking forward to heaps more.


  86. kimcolfer3:11 PM

    I've been reading for about the last 3 years since I found you through AfterEllen. Now I rarely read AE but I never miss you and follow you on twitter. You have a real gift for both pop cultural commenting and deeper political/anthropological musings. If you follow (your wife) TIna Fey and Rachael Maddow into book writing territory, I'll happily follow you there as well. Thanks for years of entertainment. Happy Anniversary!

  87. Anonymous5:07 PM

    Hi Snarker...without you, I would not be half aware of the new shows or movies...please do start the kickstarter...and let us know...what the prize is...have dinner with you?????...hehehehehe
    i love kickstarter, some great ideas and projects!
    congratulations...thank you for the updates for all us in the rurals.

  88. Steph6:37 PM

    I've been reading your blog religiously for almost a year, and Tank Top Tuesday makes my life. I've been gushing over how amazing your writing is to anyone who will listen for all that time, and I can't see myself stopping in the near future.
    Skimming through the comments, it looks like you've touched people all over the world, and the fact that you do it for free... You may be single handedly restoring my faith in humanity.

    A thousand thank yous, from Dunedin, New Zealand.

  89. Thank you thank you thank you thank you Thank you thank you thank you thank you Thank you thank you thank you thank you Thank you thank you thank you thank you Thank you thank you thank you thank you Thank you thank you thank you thank you Thank you thank you thank you thank you Thank you thank you thank you thank you Thank you thank you thank you thank you Thank you thank you thank you thank you Thank you thank you thank you thank you Thank you thank you thank you thank you Thank you thank you thank you thank you Thank you thank you thank you thank you Thank you thank you thank you thank you Thank you thank you thank you thank you and did I mention THANK YOU - FOR YOU, YOUR SIX YEARS, YOUR CUTICLES AND TANK TOP TUESDAY ;)

  90. Ms. Snarker, I have been happily reading your blog for 5 years now. I discovered you in San Francisco, and am now in St. Louis via Brooklyn. You site is an oasis of wit, grace and sexiness. Thank you and keep it up!

  91. Amy A9:01 PM

    Thank you for your always insightful and witty commentary on life in North America as we know it! You are a breath of fresh air before work each day! <3 you!

    Amy, Toronto, Canada

  92. Anonymous10:28 PM

    Just found you a couple of months ago. I've been really struggling lately with trying to figure myself out and the laughs I get here are a bright spot in my day, so thanks!

  93. Dear Ms. Snarker,

    although i had read most of your articles on afterellen, i didn't really start following your blog until about two years, and i've been kicking myself ever since for not discovering it sooner! You've made a safe haven for every queer gal whose favorite pastime is obsessing about pop culture and charismatic ladies. your blog is where i come to laugh, rant,unwind, feel cherished..there is no place like it. thank you for all the years..and never, never change!! Vlasta, Croatia

  94. Anonymous3:04 AM

    I've been reading you for 3 or 4 years. You're the reason I started my own blog. I hope for at least onther six years of your writing :)
    (I'm from Warsaw, Poland)

  95. Wasn't it just your 5 year blogiversary!? Another great year, Ms. Snarker. Thank you.

    A Californian reading from London (same reason as Lynnie above!), going on 4 years with you now. I'll be back for as many years as you're willing.

    Oh, and I'll tuck a few quid under the bed for you, too.

  96. Girrrrlll, Happy Anniversary. While I read you every damn weekday, I'm thanking you for another reason and that's for keeping my blog in your Lovely Ladies Links and the resulting traffic you send my way. Tell me where your anniversary party is and I will happily cater that mother.

    Will be on Kickstarter Watch just because I'm so damn happy there are no ads on your blog. I love naked blogs.

  97. Six years... Wow! Quite an accomplishment!!

    I haven't been around for all of it, but I've been here for least 4.5, if not 5 of those years.

    Get that kickstarter started so that I can show you some love for all of the joy that you've given me over the past years. Gotta keep the greatness going!

  98. Anonymous7:40 AM

    Happy happy! 4+ years from NYC. Thank you for being a coherent, grammar-respecting, witty, and enitrely respectful voice. Muchly appreciated.

  99. Anonymous10:17 AM

    Congratulations Dorothy!
    And thank you! You've been making my day for about 4 years now (mostly in rural Canada)... ever since my partner "researched" athletes and came across some lovely abs you posted. We've preached the Gospel of Dorothy since, and won you some converts in the process too (rural Canada: full of all sorts of missionaries).
    Love your writing and of course appreciate the pictures!
    Looking forward to returning some of the joy once you get your kickstarter up.

  100. Anonymous11:40 AM

    Congratulations! We love u in South Africa!!

  101. you rule! let us know when the kickstarter is up, girlfriend! cheers from Portland, Maine

  102. Anonymous1:50 PM

    I'm excited for the kickstarter campaign. You can definitely count me in. I'm in Utah and I LOVE your blog. I've probably been reading for at least 4 years and I know I went back and read everything I had missed. Thanks for being awesome.

  103. I've missed 6 years worth of this brilliance ? This gargantuan oversight on my part must be corrected instantly...I've cancelled the papers and called in sick...I have a hell of a lot of catching up to do :)I can't thank you for 6 years worth (yet..I read fast on catchup duty) but I will gush over the last 6 hours I've spent gleefully skipping through your awesome brain clutter soaking it up like a parched sponge thanks for what I'm hoping will be a sanity saving santuary for the next 6 years to come:)

  104. cipster2:03 AM

    Happy Blogiversary from an Italian young lady living in Dunedin, New Zealand.
    I'm a newcomer, less than 6 months, but so delighted with you and your blog.
    Thanks, DS, you're such a relief some days after class and students!

  105. Ginny4:34 AM

    I, for one, think you should totally monetize the blog. You put in the work, give something to people, why not get something in return? A steady stream of income, as small as it is, is always a good thing.
    And: reading from France, been here for about two years, love Tank Top Tuesday among other things.
    Happy blogiversary!

  106. Anonymous3:02 PM

    great blog

  107. Happy Blogiversary!
    I've been an avid reader for years, and still check DS every morning over breakfast. On Wednesday mornings I have to finish breakfast first so I can devote all my attention to Tank Top Tuesday.
    I look forward to giving back via Kickstarter, though one can't put a price on all the information, wisdom, laughter and gorgeous LADIES you have given us over the years!

    Love Elle from Melbourne

  108. Anonymous8:22 AM

    Condragulations on your blogiversary! I am currently wasting my 4th year with you.

    Lots of love from Finland <3

  109. Anonymous8:50 AM

    Hey DS! Another blogversary together! Thanks for all you do - I had no idea that you do it for free. Hopefully someone can dream up a solution to that little problem. Reading you from Ontario, Canada. Canuckgrrl

  110. Anonymous9:02 AM

    hello ms snarker, my girlfriend introduced me to your blog and i have been reading it for 2 years now, discovering a whole new world and getting comfortable with it, you have been a great help, a BIG thank you from germany

  111. patsybailey4:30 PM

    Hi snarker, congrats! Omg 6 years already? I've been around for five I think, checking everyday like a madman, from The Netherlands. And will continue to do so, and happily pay for it (thank god for paypal). Love your blog and your personality that shines through it like a cup of coffee in the morning. A real joy! Cheers thanxalot, Patsy.

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  113. First and foremost...Congrats!! Thank you so much for all of your time and dedication and Glee-related frustration. We appreciate it more than you will ever know. I first discovered your blog in the days of the L Word and I couldn't imagine a world without it. My Naya Rivera addiction would be nothing without your guidance. I'm hoping to one day run into you when you come back to the Midwest to say "Thank you" in person. I'm going to totally be greedy here and say that I hope you keep writing and tweeting all of your hilarious snark forever and ever. Thank you again!

    Katie from Tinley Park, IL

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  117. Anonymous7:34 AM

    There are times I've thought you've gone overboard with your Tina Fey crush, but if I kept a blog I'd probably be the same way with Lucy Lawless. I absolutely love your blog. You make the internets a brighter place!
