Thursday, April 26, 2012

Maddow loves teevee

You know what I love? Well, a lot of things actually. Puppies. Spring rain. Gentle eyelid kisses. But I also really love when really smart people love really silly things. Like, for instance, when Rachel Maddow (a.k.a. The Smartest Woman on Television) professes her love for “Ice Loves Coco.” No, really. No, really really. Like she even follows them on Twitter. No, really. No, really really. Now, I’ve never watched the “Ice Loves Coco” show. I only peripherally know about Coco because every now and then she will post pictures of her unavoidable body parts which will pop up in some equally unavoidable entertainment headline. And I know Ice T because I listened to the radio in the 90s and watched “Law & Order” in the 00s. But I didn’t realize they had a reality show. And I had no idea their show was some love story for the ages. But I do know that the fact that Dr. Maddow publicly professes her love for the show makes me giddy like a wee schoolgirl. Well that and Rachel in those blue glasses. Man, I love those blue glasses.

p.s. I super suck and haven’t had time to select a winner of Rachel’s book “Drift.” But I will. Soon. And on The Twitters. Stay tuned.


  1. Anonymous4:22 AM

    and this Wendy Williams? - of much fascination she be!

  2. I'm going with Rachel on this one. Ice Loves Coco is actually a rather sweet show and you can tell that they really love each other. It's the best show on E! right now.

  3. I worry about Coco's back. I really hope she works out and strengthens those back muscles regularly.

  4. Anonymous10:20 AM

    I heart Rachel!

  5. Anonymous5:02 PM

    I have been watching as much of Rachel's press as possible because I LOVE HER SO MUCH, and I think this is my very favorite show that she's done so far. Did you see her face light up when WW asked her if she was in a happy relationship now? I just love her.
