Thursday, February 09, 2012

So happy together

Dude, what is up with the ratings on “30 Rock” and “Parks & Recreation?” Ladies, gentlemen, dogs who have a Nielsen box, we need you to watch these shows. We need you to support these ladies. Do it because they are both smart, funny, quality television shows. Do it because you love seeing Tina Fey and Amy Poehler next to each other where they belong. Do it because these are two of the smartest, funniest, most quality women around. Do it because, and I can’t repeat this enough, they consistently have given us smart, funny and quality work through the years. Do it because if I see a “Toddlers & Tiaras” on your DVR and not a “Parks & Recreation” I will come to your house and break your TV. OK, that last one isn’t true. But if you have Nielsen box, I just might. Support these ladies, people. If you won’t do it because they are – once again – smart, funny and quality, do it so I’ll stop bitching at you. Whatever works, people, whatever works. Tonight. 8 and 8:30 p.m. NBC. Do it. I want these ladies together forever on my TV. I mean it.


  1. It's times like this I think we need fan funded TV. Everyone pledges what they can afford and however many episodes they can make from the money that was raised, that's the next season, which, as it was fan funded, is then available to legally download free of charge. (I would happily donate to both these shows and Fringe. And Warehouse 13. And Legend of the Seeker. If this ever happens, I'll be broke. But happy.

  2. yeah! +1 to no-one! if it worked like that we'd still have buffy! and firefly. and arrested development and better off ted. i will be broke but oh so very entertained.

  3. I'm not relevant because I don't have a Nielsen box (or real TV reception). What I do have is HuluPlus, which I get through a Roku, which allows me to watch on my TV. And I never miss a Parks and Recreation, but 30 Rock is no longer available, and so I just miss it very, very, very much.

  4. Anonymous9:27 AM

    I will watch it tonight. If either show had aliens or space battles I would watch religiously however they don't. I like the fan-funded idea but God knows swamp people would probably always be on.

  5. Anonymous11:42 AM

    Here's my question. With all the satellites and broadbands and DVRs and Google tracking everything I do fuckery, how have they not found a way to track and count what EVERYONE is watching not just those middle America Nielsen box owners who keep shit like Last Man Standing on the air for more than two episodes? I have a sneaky suspicion that more people watch shows like 30 Rock, Parks and Rec, and Community than those ratings would lead us to believe.

  6. Anonymous12:29 PM

    These shows are weak.

    Poker is way over rated.

    Tracy Morgan is the best thing about thirty rock.

  7. Paranoid but not Wrong1:50 PM

    I too question the accuracy of the Nielsen rating system. Can they prove their numbers? There's no way I believe CBS constantly pulls in the number of viewers Nielsen claims. Who owns Nielsen anyway? And are they affiliated with CBS or their parent company? And with technology's ever expanding reach, I wouldn't be surprised that while you are watching TV, TV is watching you. I may sound crazy, but that doesn't mean I'm wrong. Not so long ago would you have believed that you would be walking around with tiny computers in your pocket? Hello, what do you think your cell phones are?

  8. Anonymous4:36 PM

    Except Parks and Rec isn't on tonight. Hour of 30 Rock instead.

  9. The thing that people need to know is that, yes, Neilsen ratings are inaccurate, but everyone in the industry knows it. Unfortunately, they're the "best" way that's been figured out so far to track the shows' ratings.

    Anywho, I watch both of these, religiously, even though I think 30 Rock is a shadow of what it once was at this point. You know why? Because they let two smart, hilarious women be just that, smart and hilarious. It's rare. And it's necessary.

  10. Florence1:34 AM

    Another proof that quality and awesomeness don't necessarily mean success.
    But if Parks anf Recreation is cancelled (knocking on wood), I will die. Literally.

  11. Amy and Tina, Y U NO COUPLE??

    p.s. I never miss an episode :)

  12. Anonymous3:55 AM

    Okay, that video is an excellent TinAmy mashup; thanks for that! As for the watching of the shows, trust me, I am doing my part.

  13. 30 Rock sucks this season. I hate the degeneration of Liz's character, and the way they made fun of the whole Tracy gay bashing joke on the show was not to my liking. I no longer watch the show because I can't stand it anymore. Sorry to your Fake TV Wife.
