Friday, February 10, 2012

My Weekend Crush

Man, do I like a funny lady. I like a whip-smart, razor-sharp, lightening-quick funny lady who can cut a man twice her size down to a bloody stub with her precision word jujitsu. In fact, I particularly like it when the lady doing the dismantling one is a little lady. Because size truly doesn't matter, well, except maybe brain size. And one of my current favorite fierce, funny little ladies is Ksenia Solo. Her delightful Kenzi on “Lost Girl” is not only the Kenziest Kenzi, but she’s also a fantastic friend and foil to the big-hearted Bo. She’s the worldly grifter, the loyal friend, the practical survivor. And she’s just fucking funny. Much of this has to do with her comic timing, which is excellent. But also it’s how she throws her entire tiny frame into her work. As evidence of how much she brings to the role, by far the worst episode of the second season so far was the Kenzi-less one. Sure, there was no Dr. Hotpants either. But it was that very special Kenzi zing that was missing most. That sweet, sweet sass was sorely lacking. And, yes, you could also take the “s” off of “sass” and it would be true that that was missed last week, too. In short, Ksenia and her crystal-clear blue eyes helps put the guuuurl in “Lost Girl.” Too much? I can’t help it. I got temporarily hypnotized by those iceberg blues. Happy weekend, all.

p.s. Raise you hand if you also recognize Ksenia as Veronica, the real (not imagined, hysterical nervous breakdown hallucination) rival dancer to Natalie Portman’s Nina in “Black Swan.” Looks different without bangs, eh?


  1. I love this girl, I've seen EVERYTHING she's ever been in :)

  2. I agree, this girl is fantastic! And super cute! I remember when she was on Life Unexpected. I always liked her better then Lux.

    Now that I'm 100% hooked on Lost Girl, I love the playfulness in her relationship with Bo.

    And oh yes, the eyes. Sooo pretty.

  3. Anonymous11:59 AM

    Gave Lost Girl 3 episodes. She was funny at the sorority, but I can't watch the show. Ham fisted conceptualization, bad writing, hokey monsters, (all of which could have worked as camp if not so leaden) and worst of all, not one likable character. Sorry, a little girl on girl doesn't make up for all that.

  4. Yup, chalk me up as another Life Unexpected fan who loved her. :)

  5. O.k. once again, did not link Kenzi to Black Swan. NOW I have to go watch Black Swan AGAIN. I know, I know, I should sit there with my magnifying glass and READ the credits after the movie is over, but, hey! I have Snarks to point all this out to me.

    Yeah, I dig the Kenzi to the Bo sidekick action a lot. And yes, I am generally enjoying Lost Girl. Yet, I have to chuckle so hard everytime they warn me that this show is practically porn (MA warnings) everytime they come back from a commercial! lol, get over it dude. So what? Bo had a three-way with a couple she picked up at the FAE bar? So what? Bo came on to the Dean of Students kissing her neck and grappling her leg so sensuously just to get some intel out of her? It's all part of the Fae job you cranky old American censors. And Kenzi has to sit through all this like the champ that she is. Love her. Kenzi, the real hero of Lost Girl.

  6. Kenzi-isms totally slay me!!! "Holy Shit Balls!" The dialogue makes the show worth watching! Everything else is kinda' cheesy. Love Bo & Lauren together though. But I hated Ksenia Solo in Black Swan. She was too bitchy for my taste.

  7. And also she was in that show last year on the CW with the gal who's in Secret Circle and the guy playing Henry in the Ringer...and I'm too lazy to look it all up on IMDB...but ya know, I totally LURVE her!

  8. Oh duh...Kristan Hoffman up wind there named that show from last year. I should read comments more slowly...heh.

  9. And Charli too... Okay, in my defense, I've been watching webinars for school for the last day and a half...sniff.

  10. Anonymous6:45 PM

    Snarker! Did you just say "eh"? All that True North tv is turning you Canuckian. You're welcome across the border anytime... Xo Canuckgrrl
