Thursday, May 19, 2011

Doctor-patient privilege

Here’s a little secret. There are a handful of shows I watch regularly yet write about very irregularly because, well, I need to. Writing about entertainment for fun and occasionally (a tiny amount) of profit means the things most people use to relax becomes the things you take notes during instead of relaxing. This is not a complaint. I choose to do this and feel damn lucky anyone cares about the things I yell at my television. But, still, I choose not to write about every show because sometimes a lady just wants to sack out quietly in front of her TV and just consume the flickering images without having to think about them afterward. For me, these are shows like “Doctor Who” and “Justified” and “Modern Family” and “Being Human.” I watch all these shows and I love them, but you won’t find them in tags.

And one of those shows, which I’ve quietly watched and loved, is “Lost Girl.” I know right now many of you are smacking your foreheads and saying FINALLY! And I know many (many, many) of you emailed and tweeted me about this show last year to alert me to its amazingness. Fear not, it did not fall on deaf ears. I’ve mentioned my total enjoyment of the Lauren & Bo bits before. But news yesterday of the SyFy channel picking up two seasons of the Canadian series to air in the US has convinced me to finally talk about the supernatural sexiness that is this show. A bisexual succubus who feeds on sexual energy and gets involved with a human doctor who is, essentially, enslaved by the Light Fae (supernatural forces, there are Light and Dark, just go with it). Now that is interesting stuff.

But back to Bo and Lauren. I, basically, love them together. The pathos, oh, the gorgeous gorgeous pathos. First there’s Anna Silk, who is like sex on a sharp, pointy stick. She’s like Mary Louise Parker had a younger sister who had a thing for leather. And then there’s Zoie Palmer, who is our soulful Dr. Hotpants. If we all had primary care physicians like her, we’d never ever eat apples. (Because, um, they keep the doctor away…get it?) Together they’re this delicious combination of reserve and hunger, often from the person you least expect. Their slow burn in the first season was grown-up and complicated. And, heavens, was it hot. So, so hot. (Some spoilery bits in this video, but come on, you know you are curious.)

Seriously, thank you, Canada. I will never make an “aboot” joke again if you keep bringing the Bo and Lauren sizzle.


  1. buddyroe5:42 AM

    Love this show! It helps to fill that BtVS shaped hole in my tv life. I've even searched up a few good continuing fanfics to tide me over until LG returns in the fall. Awesome to hear SyFy will reshow it so it can find a wider audience, which it deserves. And you're so right about the slow burn and the push-pull aspects raising the steam factor - Bo/Lauren absolutely cooks my rice.

  2. Where does one watch this show if you live in the US?

  3. Anonymous6:15 AM

    "She’s like Mary Louise Parker had a younger sister who had a thing for leather." Hah, this cracked me up because it's so true!

    Lost Girl is definitely one of my "guilty pleasure" shows--even though too often the plot doesn't make any kind of sense!--so I'm glad it'll be more readily watchable in the US soon.

  4. Anonymous6:32 AM

    Daaaaaaaamn. Thanks for not only putting this show on my radar but moving it to the top of my "must watch NOW" list.

  5. tlsintx6:42 AM


  6. Anonymous8:23 AM

    Zoie Palmer's jaw is the best thing to come from Canada since Cirque Du Soleil!!

    Love this show, and can't wait for more delicious, forbidden Doccubus!

  7. Anonymous8:27 AM

    While the Bo/Lauren storyline is hot, I also watch for Bo's hilarious sidekick, Kenzi. She gets all the best lines. Glad you finally discovered what those of us in Canada have been talking about for ages.

  8. I love Lost Girl, I tuned in because Anna Silk was on Being Erica (As a lesbian) and loved her! Helps that the girl is from right across the river (In Canada, I live in Maine) and I can still hear traces of her accent and that tickles my fancy! SyFy is a great channel and its wonderful because it will now stream in HULU.Com,since I don't shell out money for cable :) Love it!

  9. Anonymous10:53 AM

    On behalf of the rest of Canada, you are most welcome.

  10. Anonymous11:07 AM

    thanks for today's posting,

    so it's canadian drama?

    during watching the movie,

    o, it's nice~

    besides, you know DS, human or animal

    have kind of spiritual things. You get it when you

    make eye contact. But things like

    table, cup, so on don't have that. you know

    what I mean. there is something.

    is the movie about examining it? something,

    you know not tangible but surely exist.

    it's also very difficult to capture and prove, though.

    like you meet a friend and saying

    i had a feeling we meet today like this!

    oh, how? but you feel that's true.

    nice day~~

  11. When?!! Maybe you mentioned it and I missed it... but I can't seem to find a date where it will start airing anywhere else, either. I have my DVR button ready...

    I've heard so much about this show and am really excited to be able to see it finally.

  12. theredbaron11:56 AM

    Ohhhh Canada! :)

  13. Anonymous1:38 PM

    How did I not know about this show before?!!


  15. Anonymous8:41 PM

    where is the show? I live in western canada and have never seen it! only those from Ontario have that funny accent... hehehehe.

  16. Anonymous4:41 AM

    It is true that Bo & Lauren do have abso-lu-tely sizzling moments but the plot is often weak, to say the least.
    It doesn't really compare to BtVS in that aspect but Anna Silk and Zoie Palmer more than make up for that, plus Ksenia Solo (Kenzi) delivers some of the best one-liners ever heard by mankind, period.

  17. Anonymous4:43 AM

    Has anyone read the Fever Series by Karen Marie Moning? The plot of this show sounds similar to the book series. I googled the first book it was published in 2006. This tv series started in 2010. I wonder if anyone has read the books and seen the series can comment.

  18. Yes; thank you Canada and thank you Ms. Snarker!

  19. As a Canadian I will say you're welcome on it's behalf. HAWT! Also yes Kenzi has the best one liners. Where can you watch it? :) Or project free tv (google it)

  20. Mallory8:48 AM

    Thank you Ms. Snarker, I just killed a couple hours on youtube but it was well worth it!

  21. Anonymous12:05 PM

    Who wouldn't love those two together? Mmmm... Doccubus. Thanks for the pro-Canuck love, DS. xo Canuckgrrl

  22. Anonymous12:09 PM

    If Anna is like sex on a pointy stick, then Zoie is like sex on a pointy Doctor Hotpants shoe.

    OMG Anna Silk and Mary-Louise Parker in the same sentence? HAWT! Cgrrl

  23. Oh my dr. hotpants indeed. Dr. hot, period. Thirteenish much?

  24. Fong Lim9:05 PM

    Thanks. So hooked now! All it took was the first 5 minutes of the first episode.

  25. Anonymous10:09 AM

    Thanks SO much for plugging this! I discovered this show just a few weeks ago and after watching the entire first season in just a matter of days (I know... bad), I proceeded to try and convince everyone around me to watch it. Of course. It also doesn't hurt that it's filmed in Toronto (according to IMDB anyway), which is where I go to university... makes me think of the city in a whole new light (read: awesomeness level increased exponentially when I found out)

  26. Kenzi is my favorite! Not only is she snarky, she's totally cute!
