Thursday, December 23, 2010

See Jane make merry

I’m on vacation for the next week. But fear not, I’ll have Vacation Vixens up each day to make like those proverbial sugar plums and dance through your head. I also plan to have a special year-end Weekend Crush to share on Dec. 31. Until then, please let Jane Lynch express my most sincere wishes for you this holiday season. May your days be merry and bright, just like a basket full of sick kittens.


  1. No words for how much I love that woman.

    A very merry Christmas to you and yours, Ms. Snarker! Happy holidays!! :)

    (Also, watching Love Actually right.this.minute. It seemed like you needed to know, for some reason.)

  2. bestey6:18 PM

    It's 8PM and I just got done working. Thanks for the laugh:)

  3. betsey6:19 PM

    This day was awful, proof is in the fact that I messed up my own name:) Ha

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