Friday, December 24, 2010

Make the yuletide gay

The one, the only, the original Dorothy. Merry Christmas, or happy whatever you celebrate. Make the yuletide gay.

p.s. Just don’t go decapitating all the snow people like Tootie did afterward in the movie.


  1. tlsintx6:54 AM

    Oh Tootie!
    Happy holiday wishes to you, darling Ms. Snarker~

  2. Nobody can sing that song like Judy! I'm hoping to find her singing in the real thing on tv sometime this Christmas season.
    All the very best for the holidays Dorothy.
    lolol - my verification word is "strap"

  3. Thank you for invoking Judy! Sometimes, I honestly wonder where the gays would be without her... ;)

    Merry Christmas and happy holidays to you and yours, Ms. Snarker, and I hope your Christmas Eve travel goes smoothly!

  4. It's snowing in St. Louis today. We haven't had a white christmas in a long time... :)


  5. Anonymous6:23 PM

    merry christmas!
    nice vacation, have fun!

  6. Anonymous9:10 AM

    Happy christmas Ms. Snarker and thank you for making this year a better, gayer, tank top filled year. Thanks for the giggles and the girls.

    From the very snowy UK

  7. betsey4:05 PM

    At :59 that kid was in heaven..... LOL
