Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Cocktail hour

Emma Thompson

Emma Thompson got her star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame last weekend. So, naturally, she celebrated with a pint and a pig. Naturally. Now, my love for Emma is unwavering. She may falter at times, but her heart is always unquestionably in the right place – even when she is talking smack about Audrey Hepburn. She is among those celebrities I put in my “I’d love to have a beer with” category. I mean, wouldn’t she be a blast at the bar? These are the folks whose big, magnificent brains and bubbly, radiant sense of fun make them the perfect candidates for a cocktail, or six.

Emma ThompsonSuch a pity her Safe website is still down. That last picture of her would have been a real conversation starter.

Helen MirrenIf you think she is a saucy minx sober, just wait until you get a couple cocktails into her.

Wanda SykesMy only worry is I’d laugh so hard I’d pee my pants, especially after a few drinks.

Rachel MaddowI believe it’s a life goal to taste a drink mixed by the master.

Jane LynchThat stuff I said about Wanda, ditto.

Leisha HaileyAnd if she brought along Kate Moennig and Erin Daniels, all the better.

Hillary ClintonOh, Hill. I will buy you a drink anyplace, anytime, anywhere. Standing offer, forever.


  1. Anonymous9:42 AM

    Can I come to your party for a drink with these lovely smart super women? Please?

  2. I don't drink, but even I could go for a brewski with Hillary Clinton. Worship that woman. Seriously.

  3. Anonymous10:33 AM

    I'm sober x's 20+ years and I WANT TO HAVE A DRINK WITH THESE LADIES!!

    Great post.

    Stop by my blog for a chance to win my giveaway!

  4. Damn, Wanda Sykes looks HAWT! And I, too, dream of drinking a cocktail mixed by Ms. Maddow.

  5. You forgot Stephanie March, who is gorgeous and always has a drink in hand.

  6. ;) babs1:34 AM

    god, I love emma thompson!

  7. Anonymous12:20 PM

    your taste in drinking partners is awesome.

    I'd love to just have a big party w. most of the L word girls

  8. Anonymous7:20 PM

    Uh, the Jane Lynch thing is kind of uncool because she is an alcoholic and wouldn't appreciate it very much. Congratulate her for being sober instead.

  9. I would gladly go drink, eat, throw water balloons, or even stack marbles with ANY of these women. Alcohol wouldn't be a requirement, so Jane could come to MY party. ;)
