Friday, June 25, 2010

My Weekend Pride

Pride Weekend

I love Pride. You’d think I wouldn’t. People. Crowds. Noise. Dancing. Only traumatizing places to pee. But I love it. I love all of it. I love seeing the tacky rainbow crap. I love the non-stop thumpa-thumpa-thumpa music. I love the parade. I love, quite simply, the gays. I’ve been going to prides for more than a dozen years now. Each year is a spectacle. An event. An over the top and ridiculous sweaty carnival of queertasticness. It’s also a reminder that, even if the larger world doesn’t necessarily think the same thing, it’s good to get together with your people and just feel fucking fabulous about yourself. A gal needs to do that sometimes. We all do. So this weekend, that’s exactly what I’m gonna do. Every now and then, even a misanthrope needs to dance her ass off. We’re here, we’re queer, and no one on the planet throws a better party than we do. Happy Pride, all.


  1. Anonymous1:49 AM

    Amen! I'm so fucking happy I was born gay! Happy Pride ya'll!

  2. Anonymous4:08 AM

    I love the pic,
    it's the best pic about the event.

    I respect that your pride.
    have a nice day~

  3. I so agree with you! I hate crowds, I hate noise, I hate the thumpa-thumpa, and most of all, I hate not having a place to pee.

    But Pride is different.

    All of those things are why I love Pride, (with the exception of that no-pee-place part).

    We do need to see our numbers, we do need to see us celebrate.

    All of those things are why I love Provincetown, AND, they're is always somewhere to pee. :-)

    That picture, by the way, is on the poster that hangs in my office.

    "One human family."

  4. I've been to where that poster is from - Key West, and I LOVE IT! From the Atlantic to the Gulf, down Duval. Maybe I'll get a pic of Ms Snarker this weekend!

  5. Anonymous8:10 AM

    Happy Pride to you AND your dancing ass!

  6. fablu19:32 AM

    Happy Pride Weekend to everyone.

    Dorothy, I know you (as do I) admire Hillary Clinton. In honor of this weekend, here is a great video she made the other day at the State Department.

    She is such a great leader and sets an example for all of us. When she arrived at State, Hillary out of all the Cabinet Members has extended to gay and lesbian State Dept personnel equal benefits with their straight counterparts & she continues to be a very strong advocate internationally for gay and lesbian rights.

    She condemned along with Obama (and right to their faces) the Uganda pols who were looking to change the law to initiate capital punishment for the "offense" of homosexuality. The Uganda Leader stopped the legislation from going forward.

    As Hillary said when she visited China as First Lady and boldly declared in a great speech that "women's rights are human rights", she now declares that "gay rights are human rights".

  7. rocketdyke10:06 AM

    i don't always go in for all the noise and crowds either, but this year i cannot wait to shout my support out to constance mcmillan, who is going to be one of the grand marshalls of the nyc parade. just thinking about it made me send out heartfelt note to all the people i knew in high school on facebook to thank them for never making me feel judged or excluded, even in our tiny little town. yay pride!

  8. I love Pride. I love the over the top, awesome fabulousness of our community. I love the drag queens and kings; I love the gay parents; I love the happy be-as-you-are vibe. I love the performance. Good times!

    Happy Pride!

  9. Awesome photo. Living in Central Florida where we have Pride in October because it's so hot, it's good to see other Pride events!

  10. beebee10:03 AM

    I love pride, and I have so much extra pride for the Dyke March! That's my favorite part of the weekend.

  11. I'm also very happy to be very gay :D
    Pride is next Saturday for me in London, can't wait :D Our group is gonna be gigantic!!
    And then I'll escape the crazy nights (that's too much for me, over crowded clubs and all...), and I'll celebrate gayness by seeing the lovely Rufus Wainwright on stage for the second time this year!
    Perfect plan :D

    PS : I want the poster with that photo, someone give me a link!

  12. Anonymous1:13 PM

    Here is the Google image result for "pride"

    To be honest, most of those pictures are not of things of which people should be proud - homosexual or not.

    Also, is it not a bit strange that words like "pride" and "gay" have lost their former meaning and are now associated with homosexuality? And what happened to the visible spectrum of light?

    The US is being programmed into homosexuality from a very young age and you should question whether or not there might be some sinister forces at work here. For example, pedophiles and other deviants have hidden behind the homosexual banner for quite some time. The sexual revolution in the US was started by Dr. Alfred Kinsey, who misled people with his "science" about the average men and women while also being responsible for the "scientific" raping many babies and young children. Hollywood, the Catholic church, politics - all infested.

    Please watch The Celtic Rebel's documentary Don't Go West for much more information concerning this topic:

    I mean no offense here and only hope to open up an educated discussion concerning the topic at hand. Take care.

  13. betsey5:55 PM

    Ugh, people....please don't feed the trolls....especially the ones that claim to be hiding behind the mask of only wanting to start a discussion.

  14. Anonymous7:29 PM

    This troll did not link properly before.. apologies.
    Google image result for pride
    Don't Go West v2

    We are not your enemies. I just want to let you know some disturbing truths that really might put things in a different perspective. I have no desire to make your life hell or turn you straight. Be happy, but be aware.

  15. Anonymous10:54 PM

    I love that somewhere in the world it is summer! These sorts of pictures are always so welcome and warming when we're having a wintery southern hemisphere June. Thank you :)

  16. Morgan7:38 AM

    This picture always reminds me of my friend Kurt, who was standing there helping to hold up a small portion of the banner running from sea to Gulf. He has since died of AIDS, yet this is just one memory of his wonderful life.

  17. Quality, affordable, and healthy LUBE!! Get behind a good cause at *** 20% of proceeds go to support same sex marriage (San Francisco LGBT Center)

  18. rexdarwin19763:14 PM

    Quality, affordable, and healthy LUBE!!! Get behind a good cause at
    ***20% of proceeds go to support sam sex marriage(San Francisco LGBT Center)

    -Rex Darwin

  19. Wowwwwww, supper. Thanks
