Friday, January 29, 2010

My Weekend Crush

I would like Betty White to live forever. I really don’t think it’s too much to ask. At 88, she seems more vibrant, sassy and hilarious than a considerable number of people half – or even a third – of her age. Betty is a constant reminder that there is no age limit on talent. All you need to write your ticket is to be smart and funny and love what you do enough to keep trying. When Betty’s career accomplishments were listed during her Lifetime Achievement Award presentation at the SAG awards last weekend, they seemed to span the history of television. We all know about her amazing work on the “The Golden Girls” and “The Mary Tyler Moore Show.” But she had not one, not two but three shows call “The Betty White Show,” and since the 50s she has guested on so many shows it boggles the mind. But that she has appeared is one thing, that she made an impression is another. Her saucy spirit and ribald rhetoric is instantly recognizable. And that, surely, will live forever. Happy weekend, all.


  1. Oh, I love Betty White! She is one sharp, witty lady. Nice choice for a weekend crush. :)

  2. My god she looks good!

  3. best. weekend. crush. EVER!

  4. I've not seen one woman you've featured in this segment outshine Betty White--superb choice :)

    She is talent and she is class with sass, whatta woman!

  5. Anonymous9:34 AM

    Dorothy, You always bring to my attention the delights I missed but could't live without. Wish I'd seen the whole presentation. Betty White was my first crush and remains high on the list of crushes to this day.


    Love her, and I have since I was a kid. I plan on being at least half as feisty as she is when I hit 88. We should all be so lucky.

  7. As long as she outlives Tracy Jordan the world is right on its axis.

  8. best.weekend.crush.ever!
    I love Betty White!

  9. Oh sweet! What a woman! Love her!!!

  10. I LOVE LOVE LOVE Betty White!! She is the one celebe I would Really love to meet!

  11. I liked that speech because she didn't drone on and on about herself. She kept it short and sweet and funny. Who can resist that?

  12. Does she fit the description of a broad do you think? As in "One heck of a broad?" :)

  13. Betty is so great -- excellent weekend crush selection!
