Thursday, January 28, 2010

Gender Tilda Thursday

Oh Tilda, Tilda. Now, I recognize that I (and probably a lot of other like-minded folks) still have lingering problems with Tilda’s support of the Free Polanski petition. Disappointed just starts to scratch the surface. Still as much as the art is not the artist, I can’t help but be drawn to Tilda Swinton. She is just so terribly delicious. I’m so viscerally attracted to her, it’s involuntary. That face, that skin, that hair – sweet merciful Zeus, that hair. She defies even the simplest convention in an industry built on the deification of standardized perfection. And, I’m not even kidding, I’d kill to see her play Conan O’Brien in “Night Shift 2: Sometimes Chins Come Back.” (An offer which she replied to with an enthusiastic “Yes, yes, yes, absolutely.”) She is certainly tall and thin enough to play him. Though, I’m convinced that she fills out a suit better.

Male, female. Straight, holding hands with a woman in slack and a tie with her hands in her pockets (we all know what that means, ladies).

Tilda defies definition while blazing her own. But seriously, how do I get that hair?


  1. I love Tilda. Tilda. Tilda!!! She's super yum and yes part of it is that gorgeous hair, well and those eyes, that jawline, that frame, that walk, that… oh, sorry.

  2. The thought of Tilda as Conan is disturbingly sexy....

    I love your line "She is just so terribly delicious. I’m so viscerally attracted to her, it’s involuntary. That face, that skin, that hair..." Describes exactly how I feel about someone who I shouldn't...

  3. Anonymous8:12 AM

    oh honey! Tilda sings to so many!

    Those pic's are divine!

  4. Anonymous9:08 AM

    I still don't understand her "domestic situation." She's married to Johb Byrne but she has a female partner too? *Stares blankly.*

  5. sugababe4:32 PM

    Uhmm.. am I the only one who does not see the appeal?
    anyway, to each her own, I guess.

  6. Anonymous4:45 PM

    Tilda = Conan in the alternate universe.

    It's that Celtic blood.

  7. Yes, my adoration for Tilda has been somewhat dampened by her pro-Polanski stance.

    Still, that face. I've just noticed she has odd looking ears, now that her hair doesn't cover them :)

    She'll look pretty fired up with Conan's red hair, hahaha.

    and btw, who that woman she is holding hands with?

  8. ps. she has a male lover, some artist. Can't remember his name. He's 15 years younger, I think.

  9. Anonymous10:11 PM

    What does the hand in pocket signify???

  10. Anonymous10:16 PM

    Hand in pocket...
