Monday, October 19, 2009

Naked Lady (Athletes) Monday

Nothing like a little gratuitous muscle definition to perk up your Monday morning. EPSN’s Body Issue came out earlier this month and it featured a bunch of buff athletes in the buff (and near buff). There are many ways to describe these pictures: inspiring, motivational, drool-worthy. What I respect most, however, is the hard work that goes into every ripple, every curve, every bulge. All of this takes commitment, determination and a whole lot of sweat. Which reminds me, damn, I should really get to the gym.

[Click to embiggen, also NSFWish...but tastefully so.]

Gina Carano, mixed martial arts fighterLolo Jones, hurdlerClaire Bevilacqua, surferNatasha Kai, soccer playerSarah Reinertsen, triathleteSusan Francia, rowerMichelle Carter, shot putterBib Golic, table tennis playerNatasha Watley, Cat Osterman, Jessica Mendoza, Lauren Lappin, softball playersSerena Williams, tennis player


  1. I don't know but I prefer looking at women that don't look masculine...

  2. Interestingly enough, how ofter do you see any sport mag cover nude male athletes? Could this be a statement that the female body is just more beautiful?

    And yes, I did look. I may not prefer masculine lines, it was nice to see these women in such good shape.

    Thanks Dorothy!

  3. Anonymous7:36 AM

    None of these women look masculine to me! They just look fit and amazing!

  4. Anonymous7:37 AM

    The ESPN issue with the naked women on the cover actually has 6 different covers--3 with naked female athletes and 3 with naked male athletes. I assume Dorothy included only the women for obvious reasons!

  5. They are so not masculine looking! That's a strong healthy body made to perform, and a pleasure to see. Size 2 and limp like a noodle is not what were are celebrating here. They are pretty awesome in my book!

  6. Anonymous8:25 AM

    hubba hubba hubba

  7. Um, making incoherent noises of joy over here. Thank you for this!

    I would love to see more photos of female athletes (Muscles Are Hot Wednesdays, perhaps?) Just a thought...

  8. Anonymous9:18 AM

    Oh my! Enough already with the masculine/feminine categories.

    Just enjoy these wonderfully strong women. Celebrate them as hard working, talented women athletes.

    (Dorothy- thank you, you've made my day!)

  9. Equating strong women with masculine is a little weird to me... To me, their just rocking ladies with crazy awesome work ethic. And muscles. Lots of muscles. Yum.

  10. pebbles10:10 AM

    mmm gina. mmm natasha. MMM SERENA. i just jizzed in my pink pants. this is why i buy fitness magazines. that's my tip of the day, buy fitness magazines. then you can all jizz in your pants.

  11. Some women were appalled by the issue, but I loved it. The pictures ran the gamut from playful to fierce and all were well done (male as well as female).

    On another site there was concern that the photos portrayed the women as coy and the men as powerful. So not the case; if you go through the magazine, you'll see that there is balance. I think my favorite skin picture was the one of the Edmonton Oilers in the locker room. Page 120. Talk about coy.

    The most compelling of the photos was the section on scars and injuries. Ouch.

    Anyone who boycotted the issue missed some excellent articles including one on the crap that female athletes get for showing off their looks. Golfer Sandra Gal nailed it: "Other magazines show anorexic women and celebrities like Paris Hilton. This is about showing off our athleticism and how fit we have to be to play at this level."

  12. pebbles1:51 PM

    lol, michelle carter, not exactly coy... susan francia, not exactly coy. gina carano not exactly coy. they all look pretty fierce to me.

  13. rocketdyke2:17 PM

    wow, gina carano just got a new fan. thanks for these, im going to go find this issue...

  14. Anonymous2:44 PM

    gina carano is the perfect balance of gorgeous, powerful, softspoken and ferocious. i looove that woman!

  15. Anonymous3:26 PM

    I love how different sports produce different muscles. And you only see that if the athlete is wearing, well, not much. For example, Michelle Carter, shot putter, has amazing thick strong arm and leg muscles; Susan Francia, rower, has the most amazing extended back muscle; Bevilacqua, surfer, has great ab/hip definition from surfboard manipulation. Yes, all these women are hotties, but also just seeing how various the hotness of muscles can be is amazing!

  16. I don't think I breathe or closed my mouth for the last 3 minutes looking at the photos.

  17. G Funk8:29 PM

    HELLOOOOOO new screen saver! The dedication that these women have to be able to be in this type of shape! I am sooo not worthy!

  18. betseyb8:39 PM

    Holy smokes! Homina Homina Homina...

  19. pebbles2:06 PM

    also this:

  20. Josephine8:08 PM

    Hot damn! Impossible to single out a favorite pic, but I love the inclusion of the pregnant softball player.

  21. AveshaDee1:57 AM

    drool & thank you!

  22. Anonymous10:24 AM

    Natasha Kai is soooo sexy! And oh my god, the rower! So freaking hot!
