Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Joss Dance

If you know anything about me, even a little, you will know that these next five words have made my day, week and (depending on how the next 11 days goes) month: Joss Whedon will direct “Glee.” Yesterday The Great Occasionally-Bearded One confirmed that, yes indeedy, he was going to direct an upcoming episode of The Great Un-“High School Musical” Musical. My thoughts on the matter can be best summed up in a series of high-pitched squealing sounds. For a slightly more articulate take on the collaboration, read Joss’ own thoughts on the subject here. In my head I’m already holding a virtual dance-off between the Gleeks and Scoobies.

Sure there are no vampires or space cowboys or mind-erasing chairs on “Glee” – that we know of…yet. But this pairing really does make perfect sense in the sense that Joss Whedon is great, “Glee” is great and how unbelievably great will it be to see Jane Lynch directed by Joss? Anyone who doubts the inspired nature of this pairing needs to go back and rewatch “Once More With Feeling.” And don’t just go through the motions, if you know what I mean. Also, I dare you to find a musical that creates a better visual metaphor for cunnilingus. Double dog, even.

Man, I am almost as happy about this news as I am about them getting the mustard out.

All that is left now is what to call this epic convergence of awesome: Gleedon? Whee? Gloss? I think I like Whee. It sounds exactly how I feel about this: WHEEEEEEEEE!


  1. Wheee! This should be awesome!

  2. Anonymous6:18 AM

    Ms. Snarker:

    I'm with you on the squee-ing about this. Thank you for the heads up.

    A Lurker

    PS. By the way, Dollhouse should get its own musical ep.

  3. Whee indeed! When I saw the news posted on Twitter yesterday, my Whee nerd heart exploded from the awesome! :D

  4. Yeah... I was hoping you were going to be as excited about this as I am...

  5. I didn't squeal but I totally gasped and had to pick my jaw up off the floor from it dropping so hard. I'm so excited about this I can't stop smiling. Joss Whedon is the bomb diggity and him directing one of my all time favorite shows makes me feel like a 5 year old and Christmas just came early.

  6. The Glee thing should be fun, but now I feel compelled to rewatch Once More With Feeling!

  7. Oh, I can't stand the floating scene in "Once More With Feeling." I think it's embarrassingly awful because Amber Benson couldn't look more stiff and uncomfortable and do you see how smooth her skirt is? All Willow could have been doing down there is tickling her feet. Plus, he did the Willow and Tara floating thing at the end of "Family." The "Passage to the Nether Realm" spell in "Who Are You?" is way hotted in my opinion.

    I'm honestly not that excited about the Joss Whedon news. He directed a few episodes of The Office, and I couldn't tell that there was anything particularly JOSS about them. But that doesn't mean Glee won't be different. We'll see what happens.

  8. OMG, I found your blog through blogher.com and wow, am I glad! You had me at "Joss Whedon", and then I nearly spit wine all over the computer when I read your comment about being excited that they got the mustard out...they got the muuuuustard ooouuuut! LOL - you're totally my new fave!
