Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Going Gaga

I know she’s been hot for months and months now, but Lady Gaga’s astronomical success these days makes me happy in pretty much all the right places. First, her songs are pure dance candy. They are strobe lights and disco balls and fuck-me heels all synched up to a beat so irresistible even your lawn ornaments want to get up from their grassy perches and Just goddamn Dance. But what really makes me happy about Lady Gaga is that she is so very gay. Not gay as in big old flannel-wearing lesbian gay (not that there’s anything wrong with that; hello, me, circa 1993-97). But gay as in a gay sensibility. Make no mistake, her music is for The Gays. That the straights like it too, well, it’s proof there may be hope for them after all. And, best of all, she knows it, too.

As she told MTV News last week:
“The turning point for me was the gay community. I’ve got so many gay fans and they’re so loyal to me and they really lifted me up. They’ll always stand by me and I’ll always stand by them. It’s not an easy thing to create a fanbase. ... Being invited to play [the San Francisco Pride rally], that was a real turning point for me as an artist.”

I remember last summer I was following the first Logo NewNowNext Awards proceedings with a somewhat vested interest (cough, I still can’t believe you guys voted for me, cough). And they kept talking about this Lady Gaga who would be there. It was her first TV performance and wish I could shut my playboy mouth, but I couldn’t because my jaw hit the floor. What is this ridiculous, crazy, addictive, super gay fabulosity?

Lady Gaga is fun, the pure and unadulterated kind. Her concerts are equal parts dance extravaganza and performance art. Girlfriend turns it out. Oh, and she can actually sing. Lip sync that, Britney. The Gaga makes herself a moving target, one-upping even Madonna in continual reinvention. Yesterday unitards, today bubbles, tomorrow tea cups, and next week – shit, I don’t know, giant inflatable clown shoes? Also, she seems chronically allergic to pants. Not that I’m complaining.

Still, aways underneath it all runs and undercurrent of the outsider. Sure, she’s hotter than a red hot p-p-p-poker right now. But at her core she’s still a misfit, a bit of a weirdo. And that, that’s what else makes her so gay. Oh, that and the fact that she says her hit “Poker Face” is about bisexuality and in the video for “Love Game” she macks on a female cop. Like I was saying, so gay. Heck, she may even help turn that phrase into the compliment it should have been all along.

p.s. If you can’t wait to go gaga over Gaga on Ellen today, you can check out her performance now. Whatever you do, watch until the end. That hug is so gay. See, it’s already working.


  1. Wow!
    I have never seen here before - very impressive voice and performer!
    And any time you hug Ellen it's a gay moment (happy)!!
    Thanks for the introduction to Ms. GaGa!!

  2. Anonymous8:46 AM

    I love her halo/planetary headpiece!

  3. Anonymous11:20 AM

    Lady Gaga rocks !

  4. That hug was so gay! But in a "we have been friends forever" type of way.

    I always wondered how she would perform with the dancing and the singing, and I have to admit I am impressed. I really expected her to be wearing a headpiece microphone but she surprised me. Awesome and unique performance!

  5. no one can pull off that little bit of crazy like gaga can.

    brilliant per usual...

  6. I love GaGa! She's fabulous for all the reasons you mentioned. There are two sure ways to get my ass on the dance floor: gin and Lady GaGa. When I have the latter, I often times don't need the former.

  7. I've been reading your blog since or before season 6 of the L word started but I never commented. I love reading your entries though!

    Anyway, I watched Ellen today and I also thought, "That was so gay." in an awesome way, of course. And reading the post today made me smile since I didn't know these things about Lady Gaga even though I've been listening to her lol. So thanks indeed. I'm at a happy place too.

  8. She'll be on Ellen in just a few short minutes, I can't wait!

  9. tlsintx5:53 PM

    goo goo for Gaga
    she is so gay. i love that!!

  10. Alright, I'll admit, I resisted the Gaga urge. Thank you, thank you, a million times thank you for making me finally check her out. Wow. There's a girl who knew what her audience would be and went for broke getting them. Gotta pay the girl her dues; she's a powerful ally.

  11. I stalk her in my dreams

  12. You should check her out on the jonathan ross show from a few weeks back; people over here are still making fun of her!
