Friday, April 10, 2009

My Weekend Crush

Oh, Erin Daniels. Seeing you last night on “CSI” reminded me just how much I miss seeing you on my TV every week. In fact, it inspired me to partake in another epic YouTube timesuck of Dana clips. And, dammit, if I didn't smile and giggle and even clap my hands with glee. So. Fucking. Cute. Erin is that most rare combination of stunning and silly. She is, hands down, gorgeous. But what makes her special is that endearing goofiness. Pretty much, she had me at “crispay.” Beneath the beauty is an adorable awkwardness and vulnerable openness that makes her utterly relatable, not to mention entirely huggable. She makes it impossible to not root for her. And root I do. Each time she pops up again on my TV – from “Dexter” to “CSI: NY” and “Saving Grace” to “Swingtown” – I feel like cheering. Plus, no one dorky dances like Dana Fairbanks. No one. Happy weekend, all.


  1. ;)) babs3:41 AM


    happy easter holidays!

    ;)) babs

  2. Anonymous5:41 AM

    It's too bad that more t.v. people don't recognize her comedic abilities. Who doesn't like funny, pretty women?

  3. I applaud your choice, as usual (soft spot... we share an alma mater).

  4. Anonymous8:25 AM

    I love her !!!!

  5. justbreathe10:28 AM

    Aaaaahhh! I remember thinking this was brilliant TV. This, I enjoyed watching, before the "fall" which began in my opinion when they killed off Dana.

  6. LMFAO I love that scene. "I am NOT!" "...What?" "Huh?" Ah man, I miss Dana :(

  7. Aww I love Erin Daniels. :]

  8. Oh, major snaps to this. How any one person can be so eye-meltingly beautiful and ALSO so charismatic, witty, and goofy is beyond me. (And talented!)

    Not that I don't appreciate what I can get, but why isn't Erin doing her own show already? I'd watch her talk to a piece of string over most other television snooze these days. You know it'd be entertaining.

  9. Nicole1:51 PM

    justbreathe - i believe that clip was from the episode where they go to spread her ashes, so she was unfortunately already dead. blah

    ya, they really need to put her on a show, idk how we havent seen more of her the last 3 years-

  10. booboox8:24 PM

    ERIN!!! sigh...


  11. I'm really sorry she hasn't had another substantial role on TV since L Word.

    Would love to see her in a comedy.

  12. I also can't BELIEVE this woman doesn't have show. She rocks the blocks. I wonder if she knows how much she's loved and Lara..."No, I'm a dork for letting my friends tell me what to wear". Miss ya Dana.

  13. Anonymous1:00 AM

    I have no idea how I've missed your brilliant blog for eons it seems, but damn glad I found it... love it!!!

    Happy Easter, Dorothy! :-) You are so funny, so insightful, honest, and I'm quite sure, beautiful. (where do I find a pic of you?) Keep up the amazing work!!! :-)

  14. Anonymous1:14 AM

    I'm still beyond pissed that Dana was killed off the L Word. Erin Daniels is amazing and the show was lacking an important part of it when she left the show. I also watch her in all her tv appearances and am very sad that she hasn't gotten to star in her own show yet. She definitely deserves it...

  15. Ms Snarker: are you aware of the Amazon fiasco - stripping GLBT titles (and others) of their ratings? I'm aware this is not the right place to post and please feel free to delete this message but I wanted to ket you know ASAP. I have sent you an email with details. Anyone else want more info (there's a petition to sign) please feel free to contact me via my blog. Please let's make this go viral.

  16. Hayley7:55 PM

    Won't lie, my crush on Erin Daniels (as Dana Fairbanks) helped me realize I was gay. Her awkwardness, relatable frustrations, and stunning beauty made me fall for her instantly.

    This woman is so. damn. attractive.

  17. Anonymous10:22 PM

    Ds, you're runing this blog about
    four years. wow,
    you're great.

  18. i think with @ending@ Dana...the LW ended for was like killing Phoebe from of the best LW moments on the video :)))
