Thursday, April 09, 2009

Lap it up

Dara Torres - Got Milk?

Dear Milk,

Why do you taunt me so? You know I can't drink you. You know you cause untold pain to my gastrointestinal system. You know cookies will forever be lonely at my house. But now, now you've gone and done it. Now you've made me want to run out to the grocery store and buy a damn gallon of you. Or, more precisely, a six pack. What, you doesn't come in six packs? Well, I must have been thinking of something else. Gosh, but I couldn't think what. Hmmm, this is a stumper. Well, never mind. Though, suddenly I'm terribly, terribly thirsty.

Ms. Snarker

[Hat tip, Mallory!]


  1. Anonymous5:14 AM

    oh in that pic Dara looked like a beefed up version of Jackie Warner!

    Hot damn that woman is 40? I'm lapping up the pic indeed!


  2. there is a little jackie warner in it, i agree...but if 40 looks that good, i want to fast forward the next ten years! okay, that was a lie

  3. I've never been a fan of milk but now I'm reconsidering. I'd like to have a tall cold one with that lovely lady... ;)


  4. Anonymous9:17 AM

    Got MILF?

  5. Anonymous10:44 AM

    That photo is heavily re-touched, which is a shame, because Dara Torres looks amazing just as she is.

  6. I agree with the anonymous comment. It looks HEAVILY retouched and that's quite a shame b/c Dara naturally would be just "fine" (not actually fine, but amazing). It actually looks like her head on someone else's body - it just looks really small compared to her body and not "on" correctly. Am I the only one?

  7. Good lord they edited the hell out of that. I want to find it attractive, but the torso is waaaaaay too long! Tsk. Why can't these people just let the abs speak for themselves?

  8. I'm with the rest who are crying, "PHOTOSHOP!"
    She looks deformed for Goddess sake. And the bathing suit looks like colorforms.

    Dara has worked too hard to be dissed with that remodeling of her body.

  9. I have to say the pic looks decidedly peculiar. Her head doesn't seem to belong to the body. It looks too small. And isn't her face drastically photoshopped to look younger?

    Not loving it, I'm afraid.


  10. ... Good God. Note to self, get buff by 40.

  11. Anonymous2:15 AM

    Milk is bad for you, there is so much puss and come from infected cows boobs. Seriously, cut out the middle man and go suck on a cows boob..

  12. Anonymous2:37 AM

    looks like a man


  13. Anonymous7:03 AM

    What about lactose free products (considering your little problem with milk)? ;-)

  14. Why, why, why do I ever skip a day of DS when treasures like this await? Just. Wow.

  15. This picture is very disturbing. The body proportions are so wrong that there are only 2 options: doping or Photoshop. She does not look attractive at all. She looks like a man with a woman's head attached to it. Bad magazine people could not even Photoshop a pretty woman into a pretty picture.
