Thursday, February 12, 2009

Say it with Snarker

I am not a huge fan of Valentine's Day. In a relationship, out of a relationship, the day has always had an artifice to it that crassly commodified the simple declaration of love. Also, you know, I'm bitter. But beyond the Hallmarkification of the holiday and price gouging of roses, I actually do – deep down – appreciate the sentiment. Love in all its many forms is undeniably grand, even if the before and after can be entirely the opposite. So in honor of florists' Cupid's big day, here are some cards that celebrate queer love, or something like it. Sure, all the smart lesbians are already saying it with Maddow. But, what these lack in hot, nerdy, policy wonkiness they make up for in terrible Photoshopping skills. Send them to someone you love, lust or would just like to see naked this Valentine's Day. [Click any and all to enlarge the snark love]

And, just to show that I have a heart, here is one snark-free offering. Hey, it's not that I've gone soft. It's just that I'm excited about the half-price chocolates come Feb. 15.


  1. Anonymous2:23 AM

    thank you, ms. snarker!
    this warms my graphic designer heart!

    ;)) babs

    I know it's too early, but

  2. Anonymous3:03 AM

    love it, dorothy!
    you are truly awesome!

  3. Anonymous9:12 AM

    Dorothy, are you available to be someone's valentine?

    I also believe you should host a Bay-Area queerfest, so all of us like-minded lesbians can meet up!

  4. I was seriously thinking this morning that I needed to go find some e-cards for Valentines day (cause, you know, I'm romantic like that)... but you went and did my work for me!

    Just another thing on the (long) list of reasons why you're the best!

  5. Anonymous12:00 PM

    OMG I love these! I had to share a couple of them with friends since I thought they were quite appropriate to their situations!

    Happy pre-VD!


  6. Anonymous12:02 PM

    Yo peeps, for those of you looking for lesbian themed e-cards go to

  7. Anonymous1:27 PM

    Happy V Day, Ms. Snarker --

  8. Anonymous3:26 PM

    hum... i thought whatever is fine,
    but it seems like supposed to be rose and choco..

    somehow thanks for the post,
    i'm just wondering where the sentences come from...
    i mean on the card.

    it's so you know,
    especially, the brain tumor..
    what happened yesterday ds?

  9. Anonymous7:42 PM

    Made of awesome.

    And you are glasses, is poignant for the backstory and perfect Brooke.

  10. Anonymous8:33 PM

    so pretty and sweet! its fab, do!

  11. Awesome. I've already sent some out... and made the Callica one my facebook picture.

    Cheers, and Happy Singles Awareness Day!

  12. Anonymous11:32 PM

    Love em! Particularly the parking lot of no return and the bat shit crazy one ;)

  13. Anonymous7:10 AM


    ROFL @ the two Grey's Anatomy ones

    Too funny! =D
