Saturday, February 28, 2009

Pre-L: Last Couple Standing

L607: “Last Couple Standing”
Today’s Pre-L is brought to you by the indescribably awesome and unendingly lovely ladies at Without them, there would be no pre-cap this week. In short, they saved my ass. I just want to hug them all with my legs in friendship. With that, a couple of blog notes: 1) This Pre-L is made from a rough cut, so it may vary slightly from Sunday’s final version. 2) Because it is a rough cut, the screencaps are blurrier than normal. But, hey, blurry screencaps are better than no screencaps, right? As luck would have it, I also have some high-resolution production stills from the episode. So you’ll notice that while most of the caps are incredibly fuzzy, a few are incredibly clear. I know, it’s very Goldilocks of me. And with that, ladies, who wants to dance?

1. Beating a dead horse much?2. If looks could kill, we wouldn’t need a pool.3. Shit, these aren’t the auditions for “Hair?”4. I am not a crook cheater.5. And that is the story of the first Thanksgiving. Any questions?6. This Bad-Ass Motherfuckers Club meeting will come to order.7. Hey, wait, we already saw this afterschool special.8. The Lewinsky of TLW has a black iPhone instead of a blue dress.9. When it rains, it pours.10. WWJD: “Fuck you, you fucking bitch.”11. The rhythm? Not exactly gonna get Shane.12. Feeling the music? Check…… Pumping hard? Triple check.13. It’s always that damn French judge.14. Does no one just use the bathroom to pee anymore?15. Oooooh……see those girls……watch that scene……(over and over and over again)……dig’in the dancing queens.16. Reunited and it feels so good.17. Look who is showing off her “Dancing with the Stars” skills.18. Impersonating Mary Katherine Gallagher won’t save you now.19. Those clips keep the minor demon inside Jenny’s head.20. Hey, dude looks like a…dude.21. Reading a bus schedule is harder than it seems, apparently.22. The day the music died.
New Guestbian Count: 0
Best Line Pretty Much Ever: “You know what, they’ve got wigs and spandex. It’s not a fucking joke.” – Bette to Tina about Alice-n-Pepa
Second Best Line Pretty Much Ever: “I am in a turquoise onesie for you, ok.” – Tasha to Alice
They Know Each Other Too Well I: “Why are you so competitive? – Alice to Bette
They Know Each Other Too Well II: “Oh, so cute.” – Bette to Alice
Once More, With Feeling: Big, sloppy love to


  1. Hm. Does Bette have two different colored high-neck outfits on during the dance sequence(s)?

    One burgundy, the other b&w?

    C.Summers strikes again, but at least Bette is not dancing in an arm-hiding pirate shirt...

  2. Anonymous8:22 AM

    "19. Those clips keep the minor demon inside Jenny’s head."

    and... Mary, oh Mary Katherine - thank you for reminding me.

    I HEART You Dorothy!

  3. The final picture makes me not want to watch this episode...why can't they just have a 3way instead?

  4. Anonymous11:20 AM

    The Thanksgiving line nearly killed me! Also choked when I got to the pic of Jenny and the Hairclips Gone Wild. Good stuff.

  5. ... I should be excited about this. My inner gay man love sequin and dancing more than he should. But with the exception of the Tibette dance (which I've already seen), I don't feel the need to see this episode. THAT'S how apathetic IC's made me...

  6. Anonymous11:46 AM

    I'm with Natazzz - An Alice and Tasha breakup will suck ass..along with the rest of the writing. And PLEASE don't tell me Shane and Jenny are the last couple standing? No wonder Shane was puking her guts out last episode. I would be sick too if Jenny was my g/f.

    Season Ending Prediction: Shane dumps Jenny. Jenny dumps herself in the pool. Tina & Bette adopt Max's baby after their Nevada-gal's dad threatens to bash their skulls in for being gay. Tasha dumps Alice once and for all. Alice needs comfort, and winds up in Shane's arms. Helena & Dylan ride off into the sunset. Kit dates the handsome girl-guy. Kelly leaves town, rejected. Tasha moves to Denver, and marries AJ.

  7. Anonymous1:35 PM

    Awww man, I have been dreading this episode since I saw Rose Rollins on TJO. I guess I was just hoping for the best.....

  8. At least this episode looks like it COULD be entertaining...I hope!

  9. Anonymous3:10 PM

    please, Please, Please do not even think for one second that Bette and Tina should adopt Max's baby.

    4 months of roids does not a healthy baby make....

  10. Anonymous6:56 PM

    Anonymous said...
    4 months of roids does not a healthy baby make....

    Won't that baby need more love?

    P.s: I'm so sad that Talice breakup. I thought they were the most normal couple around before IC ruined it for me. :(

  11. Anonymous9:23 PM

    my emotions are in no way ready for a talice break up. im sure i will cry, better have my tissue ready because IC doesnt want any of her fans happy!

  12. Anonymous12:14 AM

    Another Shaniki hook-up then, eh? I feel bad for Jenny that they are sending her off like that.

  13. Anonymous5:13 AM

    I'm gonna cry like a baby during this episode..Alices face in the last pic makes my heart melt..and i love Tasha so much and i've always felt like they were the best couple! but i'm used that in this show..happy things cant last for too long..
    P.S. Tasha leaves ALICE for Jamie..really?! This is not realistic at all IC! Those 2 (Talice) love each other..*-* T_T
    Ok..done with my sensless rant xD

  14. so which movies does ic have in her dvd player? i am betting on 'tootsie' - as shamelessly ripped off last week in the scene between kit and her dj; and 'murder on the orient express' since i am pretty sure that the rest of the gang all got together and murdered jenny as a group.

    and yet i shall still probably watch the last couple of eps.

  15. Anonymous9:12 AM

    #16... yesssssssss... there seems to be one thing right in my crappy day, finally... thank you thank you thank you... now I have a little more faith in... I don't even know what. Just generally, I guess:)

  16. Anonymous11:14 AM

    My brain stopped functioning when I saw that first pic of Tina and Bette. *Drool*

    #7, so funny!

  17. I hope Tina and Bette don't break up...


  18. Same I love Tina and Bette! They were so made for each other!

  19. Anonymous2:50 PM

    Ugh, why must they ruin the last season? I mean, seriously. Mia is one of the most talented actresses on that show, and they are sending her off with everyone hating her character. Season 5 Jenny with the whole Jenniki think was so much cuter... it would've been a better send off. Plus, they're ruining the best couple - Tibette! UGH.

    Not cool, IC. Not cool...

  20. The Mary Katherine Gallagher reference = sheer GENIUS. Love it.

    And "6. This Bad-Ass Motherfuckers Club meeting will come to order." YEAH!

  21. Anonymous6:53 AM

    sad alice is breaking my heart!

    :(( babs

  22. Anonymous7:20 AM

    Did we really need this episode? I mean what happened? A dance? Really?

  23. Anonymous9:06 AM

    I don't know I just stay confused. Season six is stupid. It appears that IC who had no real ideas in the first place has really run out of anything even remotely entertaining.

    I also don't get why IC is so obsessed with Bette groveling to Hootie every time they are in a scene together.

    It's old, it's boring and geeze you've done it adnausiam.

    I guess we're set up now for Bette and Tina to get dumped with Max's baby. No concern from anyone about what 4 + months of roids have done to this fetus. That's show biz.

    Then there's the linebacker in a dress??? (WTF)

    I guess this is called entertainment HELL.. and boy is it

  24. I was so pissed off at last night's episode. Why was there a monatage of other "stories" built into Tibette's dance scene? Let us watch them dance, for pete's sake. BTW, Alice was super annoying during the entire episode. And if Tibette breaks up over a "lie" in the final episode I will scream. Anyone with me????

  25. Bette and Tina...sigh.
    Hottest. Couple. Ever.
    Alice and Tasha need to move on.
    Sunset is a terrible drag queen.
    Jenny is a nut job.
    Bette and Tina...sigh, again.

  26. Anonymous7:43 AM

    I have no idea what the deal is with C. Summers, I'm betting in her entire life she has never met a REAL lesbian. Soho or no SoHo lesbians NOT NOT EVER dress like this - ever....

    Jennifer may like these rags, but Jennifer also thinks this little turkey is life altering and positive -- yikes!! to our community.

    Love you Jen but; you do need to get out more!!

  27. Anonymous2:27 AM

    Mama C...words fail me.

    Would anyone still be Jenny's friend after the shit she has done this season? Bring on the pool.
